Learn How To Distance Yourself

You must learn to make yourself a priority and understand that you are the only person who is indispensable in your life, and that you must distance yourself from those who no longer need you.
Learn how to distance yourself

If you’ve used to using social media, I’m sure you already know the phrase ‘delete friend’. Sometimes we gather people we do not really know in these places, with conditions that give us more problems than benefits. Today we will give you some advice on how you can manage to distance yourself.

Especially for young people, friendships often end this way. Those that do not exist on social media do not exist in your life. It is cold and quite impersonal to break these bonds.

So based on this example, many of us should do this in real life. Sometimes we carry relationships on our shoulders that hinder our personal growth.

However, this does not mean that you have to go around knocking on doors to let people know that you do not want anything more to do with them. It just means you need to know how to distance yourself.  And do not  invest time and effort on those who do not deserve it.

When they no longer need you: how to know

It is not always easy to realize when you are no longer important to someone. Not only that, but they may also lose respect for you and their needs become more selfish.

You need to learn to see the difference between those who really need you and those who have actually “disconnected” from your heart long ago.

  • If you have children, I’m sure you’ve noticed a time when they no longer need you. This has to do with their own maturity, their ability to be independent.

The truth is, children will always need you. We’re talking about the bond between friends.

Some friendships suddenly appear when someone has selfish needs. If they need a service, when they need to be heard “and only you know how to listen”. You need to be careful in these cases.

Show support, tenderness and understanding for your friends, but only when this is reciprocated. Friendship, just like any kind of relationship, is based on a sincere exchange of feelings, thoughts, support…

  • If you do not feel any of these dimensions, and you see that the person only looks for you when they want something, then you should not have any qualms about setting boundaries.
  • This is, as I said, not about breaking ties overnight. The truth is that all you have to do is really express what you feel and set boundaries.

“I can not do this because it is simply not good for me”, or “I notice that you only want my friendship when you need something. I want you to recognize me more as a person ”.

mermaid looking at the sea

The joy of being really important to someone

Do not worry if over time you have had to distance yourself from many people. It is one of the realities of life. You want to move on in life with a minimum of things. With what is really important and what makes your heart big.

Those who walk with a light mind and a bigger heart will enjoy greater happiness. Therefore, you should not have any qualms about leaving someone for whom you are not really important.

There will be moments where you feel real pain. Pain over realizing that someone who is very important to you no longer sees you as important. Maybe they have stopped recognizing you or need you.

It takes time to heal after this. Still, remember that the greatest love of your life should always be yourself. If you do not love or respect yourself, you will not be able to open the door to new opportunities.

In fact, very few people in your life are really important to you. And of course they are the best. You do not have to “collect people” as you do on social media. In real life, we prioritize and love what we have in front of us.

Learn to distance yourself: How do you know someone really needs you?

  • People who really need you will show it. They will do it wholeheartedly without being selfish or blackmailing. These people love you, respect you. They know how to establish the daily exchange where both parties win and no one loses.
  • If those who need you know how to show it, never forget to reciprocate. Letting those around us see that we also need them is a powerful way to recognize them. This makes them feel useful, important and an essential part of your immediate circle of friends.
woman looking at painting of bird

People need many different things to live: food, shelter, warmth, a home and moments of joy and freedom. So never forget that the most important things in life are not “things”, they are people.

This is why it is so important to know how to care for, care for, acknowledge, and of course, distance yourself from useless individuals who can only cause harm and stop your personal growth.

Make yourself a priority. Take care of yourself every day, and those who really care about you.

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