Learn How Bay Leaves Can Help Treat Diabetes

Bay leaves should be consumed in moderation. If you are on a treatment or have questions, consult your doctor before using natural remedies with this plant.
Learn how bay leaves can help treat diabetes

Diabetes is a very serious condition. Millions of people have been diagnosed with it around the world. However, you can reduce the risk of it or help control it naturally. Today we are talking about how to use bay leaves to treat diabetes as a supplement to medical instructions.

If you suffer from diabetes,  it is very important to have continuous medical follow-up. In addition, you need to follow a special diet to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

What is diabetes?


The pancreas’ difficulty with or inability to produce insulin or use it effectively is called diabetes. Therefore, people with diabetes have elevated blood sugar levels.

The most well-known types of diabetes are type 1 and 2. Type 1 diabetes is when the body cannot produce insulin, so the disorder needs to administer this hormone daily. This disease is more common in children and adolescents.

On the other hand, type 2 diabetes is when the body does not use insulin properly to lower blood sugar levels. It is the most common type and it manifests itself, among other things, due to poor eating habits, excessive body weight and physical inactivity.

Global data on diabetes

The increase in the prevalence of diabetes is worrying, and therefore experts will find out how to reduce the incidence. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 422 million adults worldwide had diabetes in 2014. This means that 1 in 11 people suffered from it.

In 2015, 30.3 million people suffered from the disease in the United States alone, according to the American Diabetes Association. This figure represents 9.4% of the population. That same year, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.

Among Norwegians, 1 in 20 Norwegians has a known diagnosis, a total of about 245,000 people, according to data from FHI from 2017.

The key to this disease is prevention and control. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and avoiding tobacco can reduce the risk of the disease However, there are also natural remedies for treating diabetes, including bay leaves.

Why do bay leaves help control diabetes?

Laurel leaves belong to the Lauraceae family. They are widely used as spices, but also because of their medicinal properties. They are known for their antioxidant properties, which can reduce the side effects of type 2 diabetes. Consuming them reduces cell deterioration as they break down free radicals.

In addition  , the bay leaves help the pancreas to function normally. This helps to lower blood sugar levels.

How to prepare bay leaves to treat diabetes?

Cup with bay leaves

Bay leaves have many properties. They stimulate the digestive system, regulate menstruation, and are antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-rheumatic and diuretic.

For the treatment of type 2 diabetes, bay leaves can be taken as tea. This is one of the many ways to take advantage of the benefits. Follow the instructions below to prepare it:


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon fresh bay leaf (15 g)


  • Boil a liter of water. When it reaches boiling point, add the bay leaves.
  • Keep the pan on the heat for three to five minutes.
  • Then let the tea soak for about ten minutes and strain before drinking.
  • We recommend that you drink up to four cups a day.

Say “yes” to bay leaves, but in moderation

Although they undoubtedly have many medicinal benefits,  excessive consumption can lead to dermatitis, asthma or allergies. It can also cause nausea and irritate the stomach, among other side effects.

People with type 1 diabetes should not consume this tea. Pregnant women and people with bleeding disorders, as well as kidney, heart and liver disease or gastrointestinal ulcers, should also avoid drinking this tea.

Bay leaves have wonderful properties that can lower blood sugar levels. However, if you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, you should not replace the medicines that your doctor prescribes with this tea. Just drink it as a supplement.

We hope this article convinces you of the amazing properties of bay leaves. Try making bay leaves today! Before doing so, consult your doctor so that they can tell you how often to drink it.

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