Keys To Protect Yourself From UV Rays

Sunscreen is a filter that does not block all UV rays. Therefore, it is simply a supplement to the other measures you need to take. In this article you will find out how to protect yourself from UV rays.
Keys to protect yourself from UV rays

Do you know the keys to protect yourself from UV rays (ultraviolet rays)? Many people wear dark glasses to avoid the sun. But what other measures do you need to take to protect yourself and avoid sunburn and redness?

Below you will find some aspects of sun exposure that you need to take into account to help you enjoy your time outdoors to the fullest.

Measures you can take to protect yourself from UV rays

You must take many protective measures to prevent damage caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Below we will highlight some of the most important.

Wear a hat

As an article published in The British Journal of Dermatology confirms, folded hats are the most appropriate. This is because they cover the ears, nose, eyes, scalp and forehead. Although we sometimes forget these areas, solar radiation can damage them.

Proper clothing

Experts recommend wearing clothes that cover your entire skin when you are outdoors. Dark colors provide more protection. Closed weaving or dense women’s fabric also provides more protection than those with light, simple woven or loosely woven fabrics. Similarly, dry clothes are more protective than wet clothes.

It should be noted that clothing does not completely block all UV rays. If you can see light through a substance, UV rays can also come through it.

Today , many textile companies make clothes with UV protection. They usually have a label indicating the UV protection factor (protection factor against ultraviolet radiation, or UVF) on a scale from 15 to 50+. The higher the UVF, the higher the protection it provides.

Avoid solarium

People think that the UV rays from this solarium are not harmful, but they are wrong. Sun lamps emit UVA and UVB rays. The use of this artificial method is associated with a higher risk of suffering from melanoma, especially if you start using them before you are 30. The World Health Organization (WHO) published this information.

If you want to look tanned, there are several healthy options you can resort to, such as self-tanning sprays or creams, for example.

The small UV lamps used to increase the drying of nail polish in gel manicures also emit UVA rays. For this reason, experts recommend applying sunscreen to the back of your hands before using them.

Wear sunglasses with UV protection

Wearing sunglasses that block UV rays is just as important as other protective measures. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that these glasses protect not only the eyes but also the delicate parts around them.

Ideal sunglasses block 99% to 100% of all UVA and UVB rays. Before buying a pair of sunglasses, check the label:

  • Make sure they say “UV absorption up to 400 nm” or “Meets ANSI standards for UV protection” , as this means that they block at least 99% of the UV rays.
  • Those who indicate that they are for cosmetic use, block only about 70% of the UV rays.
  • If the label does not say anything, the sunglasses do not provide UV protection. Always look for the ANSI label. Polarized lenses reduce glare, but not radiation.

Stay in the shade: one of the keys to protecting yourself from UV rays

This simple measure is the best way to limit UV exposure. This is especially important between 10 am and 4 pm, as the radiation is most intense during these hours of the day.

To check the intensity , you can do the shadow test . If your shadow is smaller than yourself, UV rays are at their most intense, and it is important to protect yourself.

Remember that clouds do not block UV rays. Therefore, you still need to protect yourself even if the day is cloudy.

The beach and the snow-covered areas increase the amount of UV radiation because they reflect sunlight. The sun’s rays can even bounce off water and are stronger during the spring and summer months. When it comes to mountain areas, the solar radiation reaches the ground much stronger.

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is a filter that does not block all UV rays. You still get some radiation, even when you use it properly. For this reason, it is simply a supplement to the other measures you need to use.

You need to read the labels of the sunscreens correctly. Experts recommend a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 50 or higher and with a wide range of protection, for both UVB and UVA rays.

SPF 50 sunscreens filter about 98% and SPF 100 about 99% of solar radiation. Therefore, the higher you go, the less difference. No sunscreen provides total protection.

You can find sunscreens available in many forms:

  • Learned
  • Creams
  • Aerosol spray
  • Lotions
  • Salver
  • Lip balm

In addition, it is important to check the expiration date of the product before opening it. Once opened, it is only effective for one year.

You must always apply sunscreen before makeup or insect repellent. You need to use it on the face, ears, arms, neck and other areas of your body that are not covered by clothing.

Experts recommend using sunscreen every 2 hours if you are going to expose yourself to the sun, or after exercising, working, swimming or playing.

The importance of protecting yourself from UV rays

As we mentioned above, you need to take basic protective measures to prevent damage ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes, especially in the hottest seasons.

The darker the skin, the more it is able to protect itself. Therefore, people with light eyes and white skin, as well as redheads or people with light hair, are the most sensitive. Nevertheless, people with all skin types must use sunscreen and take the necessary measures.

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