Is The Use Of Panty Liners Harmful Or Harmless To Health?

The abdomen makes certain demands to be kept in the best possible condition, without suffering from irritation, burning or other things that can interfere with our daily routines, such as self-esteem, which can also affect our intimate relationship with our partner.
Is the use of panty liners harmful or harmless to health?

The use of panty liners is more and more common among young women  who want to keep their panties dry. They can also help prevent odors and make you feel cleaner. But the question is: do they help ? Or are they harmful? In this article, we will take a closer look at this, and at the same time give advice on how to keep the abdomen clean and avoid harmful infections.

In the same way that we find new products and new shapes adapted to different types of underwear in the store, we also see that these products may not be as advantageous as the advertisements promise they should be.

The abdomen makes certain demands to be kept in the best possible condition, without suffering from irritation, burning or other things that can interfere with our daily routines, such as self-esteem, which can also affect our intimate relationship with our partner.

We will give you some advice to avoid injury when using panty liners.

All women are different. What is good for one person can be harmful to another, and vice versa.

General guidelines:

First of all, before using panty liners, make sure they have pores and are made to breathe,  without plastic protection. If the crotch does not get air, moisture will constantly exist, which increases the chance of infections.

You need to change posts at least 4 to 6 times a day.

It is important that you wash your hands properly both before and after you have been to the toilet, as well as when handling bandages, tampons or panty liners.

  1. You should not shave the abdomen, as the hairs protect the area.
  2. Good personal hygiene is important, especially during menstruation.
  3. Avoid powder soaps, as these can upset the pH balance of the abdomen. Neutral soaps or those sold specifically for use in this area, come in a variety of editions, and ensure good intimate hygiene.   It is best to buy those with a balanced pH value, which contributes to a healthy bacterial flora.
  4. Wear cotton underwear, as this can breathe.
  5. Avoid wearing tight pants for a long time, as it gets clammy and damp at the bottom, which creates perfect conditions for bacterial growth .
  6. Do not wear clothes made of synthetic materials.
  7. Sleep in spacious clothes.
  8. Avoid sitting for extended periods.
  9. Do not use intimate deodorants, as perfume can cause irritation.
  10. Keep the area as dry as possible.

Prolonged use of antibiotics, pregnancy and diabetes are all factors that can increase the chances of infection.  If you belong to one or more of these categories, you need to be even more careful.

  • An increased amount of discharge.
  • Change in the color or consistency of the discharge.
  • Bad-smelling discharge.
  • Pain or burning when urinating.
  • Pain during intercourse.

Many women avoid seeing a doctor, either out of fear or because they find it embarrassing. In the meantime, the infection gets worse and more difficult to treat.

If you suspect a genital infection, avoid self-medication and consult a doctor. If treated early, it is usually easy to cure.  Self-medication can aggravate the situation.

It is important that your doctor gives you the right medicine.  If you suspect an abdominal infection, you must stop using panty liners. An abdominal infection that is not treated properly can lead to a urinary tract infection, with serious health consequences. Experts claim that most women have had, or will have, some form of abdominal infection. Isn’t it better to basically prevent them?

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