I Went Through Many Storms To Reach The Calm I Have Today

Tranquility enters your life as you learn to prioritize what is important to you and overcome many storms that overwhelm your mind.
I went through many storms to reach the calm I have today

The Dalai Lama has been known to say that it is impossible to achieve peace in the world if you cannot first reach peace in your own mind and heart.

In fact, in your daily life you do not try to answer the problems of the rest of the world. It is enough for you to “feel good” and that peace has a lot to do with the concept of reaching peace.

Reaching peace means seeing your worries objectively, quitting obsessions. Set aside what gives you unhappiness, irritation or discomfort. To achieve an inner harmony that has as much to do with yourself as what surrounds you.

It is not easy to calm down because in many cases, confronting many of your personal storms is something you may not always be prepared for. We need to explain how to get there.

Now the calm that comes after many storms

There is no doubt that on more than one occasion you have experienced the following: you realized that you could not move on in a relationship with anyone, and in the end you had to tell them how you felt.

Such situations are common processes in the life cycle. A problem occurs when you refuse to handle it and allow it to haul it out, while further problems are interspersed with it.

If you find yourself unable or do not know how to prioritize your needs. Your life gradually becomes a spider web designed to capture you. Many storms surround you and steal your happiness. Pay attention to the steps you should follow to reach a state of inner – and outer – peace.

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Learn how to think

You can call it reflection, meditation or just thinking. Believe it or not, you should have at least an hour a day to yourself in silence. Where you can connect with yourself and reach peace. It is something that is very therapeutic.

  • It is ideal to have an hour in the morning to analyze where you are, what your needs are. H va bothering you, what you’re worried about and what you can do with it.
  • During the day it becomes more difficult to think in silence and calm. So it is a good idea to set up a daily appointment with yourself to meditate. And always stick to it. Make it a part of your routine.

Learn how to simplify your life

What does it mean to really simplify your life? When a person begins to meditate, reflect, or think about their own priorities, they realize that there are many things they can do without.

  • Simplification means knowing what is important to you, and then making it your priority.
  • If there are people who just bring conflicts, complaints, worries or fears into your life, it may be time to let them go.
  • If there is something about yourself that you do not like, this is the time to change it, or at least start the process.
  • Think of the simple life as something pleasant, where everyone is able to be happy with what surrounds them, without artificiality or complications.

Avoid criticism, practice acceptance

When you are able to put aside the things that hurt you. Is it time to move on without looking at who is to blame in your life?

  • If you feel obligated to leave your partner or a friend. Do not complicate this already difficult time by looking for the perpetrator or building up anger and bitterness.
  • Negative emotions are the opposite of inner peace. You can never be calm while having fear or hatred. You need to learn to both accept and avoid criticism.

Practice gratitude

You know it is not always easy to give thanks when you have been disappointed, betrayed, or simply experienced more sorrow than joy.

  • Still, something as simple as approaching your life from a calmer perspective. And grateful attitude will undoubtedly give you a deeper inner balance.
  • Practicing gratitude is also a way to free yourself and calm down many storms. It helps you recognize the good that you give to others, and the fact that life is filled with beautiful things that you can enjoy.
  • A calm mind is also a grateful mind that knows how to set priorities, show respect and live a simple and humble life.

Being calm has nothing to do with minimizing your daily activities; it’s just finding the wonderful balance where you have nothing in abundance and you lack nothing – say goodbye to the many storms that used to occupy your mind.

This is the time in your life when you can finally say to yourself, “I’m fine. I do not need anything else ”.

Reaching this point is a wonderful thing that is worth the effort. We suggest that you start your inner journey towards being calm today.

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