I Reach For The Stars With Or Without You

Our relationship may be perfect, but I can not fully lean on you because, with or without you, I must continue to live my life and reach for the stars.
I reach for the stars with or without you

When we talk about romantic relationships, we immediately think of a package with two people. However, we forget that these two people are independent and must reach for the stars as two individuals . After all, I can live in exactly the same way with or without you.

It may not sound very romantic, but the truth is that we do not have to cling to anyone else to be happy.

I can be with or without you, and there is no reason for my happiness to change .

Remember, I choose to be with you; I’m not dependent on you. I do not need you to be happy. Most importantly, I choose not to own you, but rather give you wings so you can fly to find your own happiness.

Braided together

A couple on the couch.

We can probably all come up with some of the couples who do it all once they have started a relationship. They know each other’s friends and they share the same interests – even those who were previously just one another.

The only problem is that over time one of them will say “I feel overwhelmed “, “I have no personal room” , or “I can not do anything alone.

Furthermore, people who are in romantic relationships have different interests. We do not have to share them to see if the other person will like it or not.

It is of course important and necessary to share a common basis. However, doing everything and having the same interests and tastes is an expectation that is very difficult to meet.

It is therefore important for both that they never feel alone while maintaining their individuality.

Stretching for the stars: Without you, I am nothing

Couple on the beach.

When I put my individuality aside and think that my partner and I are one, I do not even consider the prospect of “with or without you” because I think I do not exist without you. I’m dead.

This type of thinking tends to be present in people who suffer from emotional dependence. The actual love of the couple and the way we understand it creates a dependence on the other person.

We must continue to be individuals even if we share a life with someone else because we are different. We have chosen to share our lives, but we are different.

We are in a relationship to become more, not less

If I’m addicted to my partner, if I think I’m nothing without them, the partner does not build me up. Instead of helping me grow, he or she makes me smaller. I become someone who is worthless alone.

That’s why I have to do what I want to do, with or without you. I need to do what I long to do, what allows me to grow and develop as a person. Limiting ourselves just because we are in a relationship would really be a shame.

Stretching for the stars: With or without you, I will continue to grow

Woman reaching for the stars.

It would have nothing to do with a job offer in another country one day threatening to separate us. It would also not be a problem if you would not follow me for some reason. With or without you, I will follow my dream and what I like to do.

There will be many difficulties throughout our relationship, but none of them make me give up who I am. If I cease to be me, and if you become the reason I live, what would happen if or when what we have ends?

I would be lost, I would not know who I am or how to recover, which means it would be a difficult and arduous road. There’s a way I do not have to go.

I do not want to stop doing what I like and do. I will not let the opportunities pass me by because I am with you. If I get smaller I will not grow, I will not move on, I will stop. Who I am will die.


The truth is that we learn about an unrealistic love that is full of pain because we are dependent on the other person. We learn about relationships where couples must become the same person. However, we must fight for ourselves so that we can retain our individuality.

We can not lose ourselves in the presence of the other person, and we can not forget who we are. We must always be strong and reach for the stars, so that if everything ends, we can continue.

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