How To Treat Hives In Children

Hives in children are a serious problem. They appear when the child is exposed to a substance that causes allergies. Keep reading to learn more.
How to treat hives in children

Most often, hives in children are caused by an allergic skin reaction. In this case, it is not the typical red lump on a specific area of ​​the body, but rather large lesions that are distributed over large areas of the dermis.

Allergens are the substances that trigger allergic reactions, and they vary from person to person. For example, a child may suffer from hives due to dust, but the child’s search may not experience a reaction.

Hives in children: the main symptoms

As we mentioned earlier, hives refer to a severe allergic reaction that affects large areas of the skin. It appears shortly after coming in contact with irritants that can be found in the environment, clothing, air, soil and animal hair.

Itchy skin is actually one of the main characteristics of hives. It is an itch that is so intense that it forces you to scratch, which carries the risk of injury. In this way , bacteria can get under the skin and multiply. This increases the risk of a major infection in the area.

Blisters and lumpy skin are noticeable in contrast to other milder allergic reactions. The swelling begins a few hours after exposure and sometimes occurs immediately (begins within a few minutes). This indicates a possible anaphylactic shock.

The size of the affected region varies from child to child. There may even be several body regions with active lesions at the same time. It is common for it to occur on the face, hands, feet and groin. The upper body is not an exception, especially when it comes to food allergies.

There are other associated symptoms with the exception of skin problems. Let’s see what they are.

  • Vomiting and nausea. This is due to the same internal allergic process, which leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Abdominal pain. Sometimes it comes with a mild fever. Other times, however, it is due to the increase in tampering that tries to remove the allergens that move through the digestive tract.
A child with hives on his back

Common causes of allergies in children

Hives in children have many different causes. The starting point is, as we mentioned earlier, to be in contact with a substance you are allergic to. However, there is individual variation, which means that all children react differently to different allergens. Most children are allergic to something specific. Here are some common causes of allergies:

  • Food. Some children are allergic to red fruits, others to eggs and others to certain spices and dressings. In general, parents detect the allergy when the first hives occur after ingesting the allergen.
  • Insects. Insect bites are a possible source of allergic reactions. In these cases, the affected area becomes inflamed, and it also often spreads to other regions.
  • Pollen from the environment. With seasonal allergies, the autumn and spring months are the worst for children. In addition to the skin reaction, they often experience coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and even bronchospasm.
  • Infections. In addition to the symptoms that come from the allergen, there are lesions due to a cross-reaction between the immune system and the cells in the human body. This reaction is caused by both viruses and bacteria.
  • Medicines. Many children are allergic to certain substances. It is important to be aware of what the children are taking. Most brochures contain information and warnings in this regard, as it is often not the active component that causes an allergy, but the excipients that chemists put in the pills or syrups in order to market them.
  • Perfumes. Cosmetics and perfumes can be very irritating to the skin, which is why there are many different brands of perfumes that are meant for children. If the baby’s skin is too sensitive, it is likely that they will react anyway.

How to treat hives in children

First, it is not always easy to diagnose hives in children. Once this is done, it is important that the doctor administers anti-allergic drugs to counteract the symptoms. In the same way, the child can also use useful home remedies. This combination is great for the child to recover faster.

Antihistamines are incredibly popular among allergy sufferers. In fact, most people prefer to take diphenhydramine and loratadine in cases of allergies since they relieve itching and reduce redness of the skin.

However, this is not the best option for children as they tend to make people drowsy. In extreme cases, however, they are used with caution in minimal doses.

If the allergy is spread over many parts of the body, it may be necessary to include corticosteroids. It is important to consult a pediatrician as they know what the child is suffering from and which treatment is best.

When used for a limited period of time, no long-term problems are likely to occur. Intramuscular or intravenous use is exclusive for hives that develop into anaphylactic shock (which is rare).

Home media

When it comes to home media, there are many different options. Believe it or not, there are several ingredients that can be used to make compresses that relieve local symptoms, especially itching.

The easiest way to relieve allergy symptoms is by applying cold cloths. The low temperature reduces inflammation and redness, which in turn will reduce the allergic reaction. Using them with antihistamines and corticosteroids provides significant relief.

As prevention, it is important that the child avoids all the allergens to which they react. It is also important to condition the bedroom of a child suffering from allergies. Therefore, there must be no carpets or textiles that easily accumulate mites in their room. Installing a dehumidifier is also a good idea to reduce ambient dust.

In cases where the child develops hives due to food, you only need to remove the relevant allergen from the diet. For infants up to 2 years of age, there are substances (such as strawberries) that they should not take as a precaution since they can be powerful allergens for some.

A sick child

Always consult a pediatrician

This is the most important piece of advice here. Hives in children will not only disappear overnight. For this reason, it is important to consult a pediatrician. Remember that a professional approach is important to get to know the causes and reduce the symptoms in a particular case.

If allergies occur repeatedly, you must be very careful about the possibility of anaphylactic shock. This is a crisis situation that often requires hospitalization, and you should do everything you can to prevent it.

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