How To Treat Blemishes On The Skin In The Natural Way

You can use onions externally on the skin to counteract blemishes and regenerate the skin. The juice from onions also works against wrinkles due to the high content of sulfur and vitamin C.
How to treat blemishes on the skin in the natural way

Most of us probably worry a little too much about skin care, and about finding ways to make our skin look smooth and balanced. We want it to be free from impurities or other defects that can ruin our appearance. However, there are certain factors – including sun exposure, hormonal changes, use of chemical products, and more – that can cause pimples or blemishes on the skin that have an unattractive appearance. Learn how to  treat blemishes on the skin with natural aids in this article.

Fortunately, there are ways to treat or reduce these irritating spots and regain your natural beauty. Here we will talk about some aids you make at home that can help you show your beautiful skin.

Aloe vera

Since ancient times, aloe vera has been used as a beauty treatment for the skin, because it provides deep moisture, helps heal wounds and regenerate cells, fights stomach ulcers, treats burns, and removes pimples. To get the full benefit of aloe vera, simply scrape the juice from inside the plant’s leaves and apply it to the affected area twice a day.

Lemon juice


Lemon juice is one of the most effective natural, brightening treatments you can find for your skin. This is because it has a high content of vitamin C, which regulates the production of melanin and contains antioxidants that support cell regeneration.

To get the benefits of lemon, squeeze the juice from half to one of these fruits and apply it directly on the affected area before bedtime. It is important to only use this at night, because direct exposure to the sun can actually whiten your skin. Rinse it off with cold water in the morning.


Onions are another good ally for promoting good health to the skin. The content of sulfur and vitamin C in onions makes them ideal for fighting impurities and regenerating healthy skin. You can use them remotely to reduce the signs of wrinkles, eliminate acne, and get rid of blemishes. You just need to get the juice from an onion and apply it to the affected areas with a cotton swab. Leave this on for 10 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.


3-apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is great for your beauty treatment because it has an acidic pH, which helps to achieve a smooth and glowing skin. Pour a little apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and apply it on the affected areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.


Lactic acid in yogurt makes it one of your best allies when it comes to beauty because it helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and leaves it soft and with a fresh, new look. Yogurt is ideal for cleansing the pores, disinfecting the skin, and fighting against  premature aging .

To combat impurities and stains, make a mask using a regular yogurt, apply it to the affected areas and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Some tips to prevent and treat blemishes on the skin

Most of the factors that cause blemishes on the skin can be avoided by following these healthy habits and tips. Whether you are trying to prevent stains from appearing, or looking for healthy ways to remove them, consider these ideas:

  • Use sunscreen every day: The sun’s rays cause harmful burns, blemishes and other problems that can ruin your beautiful skin. Prevention and avoidance are better than treatment, so you should always use sunscreen – especially if you have fair skin or limited exposure – especially in the middle of the day.
  • Avoid going out in the sun: If you are trying to lighten your skin or eliminate blemishes, try to do your treatments at night for best results. Sometimes sun exposure can have negative effects and aggravate existing spots.
  • Take care of good hydration:  Staying well hydrated is the key to keeping your skin healthy and dust-free. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and also apply a good moisturizer on your skin every day.
  • Eat right: The last key to having healthy and beautiful skin is to have a healthy diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating fried foods or foods that are high in fat, sugar, sodium and other junk foods that can be harmful to the body and that can also directly affect your skin.

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