How To Make A Homemade Syrup For Constipation

For years, plums and prunes have been known as one of the best solutions for constipation and slow digestion, not only because they promote bowel movements, but also because they reduce inflammation and excessive acidity.
How to make a homemade syrup for constipation

To find relief from constipation, it is important to increase water consumption to lubricate the waste and encourage bowel movements. Eating foods rich in fiber is also essential. Today we are going to tell you how to make a homemade syrup for constipation.

Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems. It is caused by changes in bowel habits that make it difficult to expel waste normally. It usually requires more effort, and it usually takes three or more days before you feel the need to go to the bathroom.

In addition to not being able to go to the bathroom, constipation triggers abdominal pain, gas and a general uncomfortable feeling. In addition, in many cases it causes complications that will need medical attention due to the toxins that are retained in the colon.

Therefore, you should make some changes to stimulate bowel movements, especially when it is still early. We thus want to share a homemade syrup against constipation: It is based on plums and contains a lot of fiber.

Homemade syrup for constipation

Taking homemade prune syrup is an alternative remedy for constipation. It helps to get the intestines moving and thus makes it easier to pass hard, dry stools.

It is made by mixing prunes with lemon juice, two ingredients that are rich in fiber and also anti-inflammatory. Its laxative properties cleanse the colon by removing fecal waste without changing the pH of the bacterial flora.

Benefits of plums and prunes

Plums and prunes in a homemade syrup against constipation.

Plums come from the Prunus tree, which belongs to the Rosaceae family. They have a fleshy inside and a seed that surrounds a woody endocarp.

For years, they have been known as one of the best solutions for constipation and slow digestion, not only because they promote bowel movements, but also because they reduce inflammation and excessive acidity.

  • They contain large amounts of dietary fiber, a nutrient that helps to give the stool volume and makes it easier to pass.
  • This drug also reduces the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • Although low in calories, they contain natural sugars that the cells use as fuel.
  • They are a prebiotic food, which means that they serve as food for healthy bacteria.
  • Plums are also perfect for fighting inflammation and fluid retention thanks to the essential minerals they contain.

How do you make a homemade syrup for constipation?

A little jelly.

Making your own homemade syrup for constipation has many benefits:

  • Cheaper than many commercial laxatives.
  • No strong chemicals.
  • No unwanted side effects.
  • Can be taken several times a week.
  • Provides extra energy and nutrients to the body.

For the reasons mentioned above, we will now share our detailed but simple recipe.


  • 10 prunes
  • The juice of a lemon
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Blender
  • Glass jar with lid


  • Add the prunes to the blender and add the juice of one lemon and half a glass of water.
  • Mix the ingredients for 2 or 3 minutes and make sure they are well mixed.
  • When the consistency is smooth and thick, store it in a glass jar with a lid and cool.

How to take it

  • If you regularly suffer from constipation, consume 3 tablespoons of syrup before breakfast, 3 tablespoons in the morning and 2 tablespoons in the afternoon.
  • If your condition is chronic, use higher doses until normal bowel function is restored.
  • To prevent constipation, take 2 or 3 tablespoons a day.


Drink water.

In addition to consuming this syrup, remember that you should take a look at your eating habits and eliminate foods that may increase the risk of constipation :

  • Refined flour
  • Sugar
  • Meat spread
  • Fried food and canned food
  • Foods high in sodium

In addition, you can try to increase your intake of water and high-fiber foods, as both of these are useful for your intestines to function properly. If you often suffer from constipation, consult your doctor to see if it is due to something that needs extra attention.

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