How To Make A Homemade Essential Lemon Oil

Learn a new way to take advantage of this citrus fruit and enjoy the many benefits.
How to make a homemade essential lemon oil

Lemon essential oil is a great way to fight cellulite.


Among the many properties , it contains vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of fat. Both of these ingredients maintain good health.

These days, almost everyone goes straight to the doctor when they experience a health problem. However, many people understand that natural remedies work. In addition, they do not have negative side effects.

Lemon essential oil is a good example of one of these products. Thanks to the ingredients, you can achieve many benefits from regular use without compromising your health.

You are probably already familiar with the benefits of lemons. However, if you need a reminder, just keep reading.

How to make essential lemon oil?

How to make essential lemon oil


  • 6 lemons
  • 200 ml almond oil
  • 200 ml of olive oil


  • Glass jars
  • Gas band
  • Container with lid


  • First you wash and peel the lemons, you will use the peel.
  • Bake the lemon peel in the oven at 50 ° C for two or three hours so that they dry.
  • Then add the lemon peel to the glass jar and add the oils.
  • Leave it in a cool, dark area for 50 days so that it is concentrated, stirring occasionally.
  • After the specified time, remove the lemon peel. Make sure to get the most out of the oil.
  • Filter the oil and store it in another container with a lid.

These simple steps will prepare your essential oil. Store it in a glass container in a cool place without moisture.

Applications for essential lemon oil

Clean the air

The air you breathe into your home is very important. Remember that there is pollution everywhere when you are out. It is a good idea to clean the air in your home.

Lemon can fight all bacteria that enter through the windows because it is a powerful antiseptic. Acidity and vitamins eliminate microbes quickly and effectively.

Citrus fruits also give a fresh scent. The air will seem to weigh less. Even if you are not aware of it, the pituitary gland sends information to your brain to ask it to relax. Use a dispenser for best results.

Improve your digestion

Improve your digestion

When lemon enters your body, it becomes an alkalizing salt. What you consume is therefore digested faster and easier. It also stimulates the production of stomach acid, which increases your metabolism.

You will enjoy the healthy fat from this oil, which is important for healthy tissue as well as preventing the arteries from becoming blocked.

You can simply use essential lemon oil as a salad dressing or add it to your tea. A few drops of green tea is a perfect solution.

Fight cellulite with essential lemon oil

Fight cellulite with essential lemon oil

Cellulite is related to circulatory problems. Lemon essential oil has two important properties for this problem: High vitamin C content and the presence of flavonoids.

Flavonoids improve the movement of fats. They prevent it from building up in the same areas. Vitamin C also helps with this, as it is a good antioxidant.

Cellulite tends to increase with age, so you need to strengthen your body to reduce the effects of the passage of time.

Lemon essential oil can cure herpes

It can cure herpes

Herpes is usually caused by an infection. It can also appear in humid areas. This makes essential lemon oil an ideal treatment for herpes.

Once again, this is thanks to the vitamin C content because it acts as an excellent antibiotic. However, to guarantee its usefulness, the oil acts as a protective film to insulate the area. This prevents it from coming into contact with other bacteria that can damage your treatment.

To use it, apply this oil with a sterilized swab or a piece of gauze.

Overall, this is a simple natural remedy that is easy to prepare, affordable and easy to use. Sounds good, right? Be sure to share the results if you decide to give it a try!

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