How To Create A Harmonious Home With Feng Shui

Having mirrors in the bedroom can interfere with rest and night’s sleep, so cover them behind cupboard doors, for example.
How to create a harmonious home with Feng Shui

Our home is a very important place. This is where we feel comfortable and safe, and share the best moments with our family. But it is important that our home is clean and harmonious. To achieve this, we will now give you various ideas that may be helpful. We will now show you how to create and maintain harmony in your home with feng shui.

We are talking in this article about feng shui. It is an aesthetic system that originated in China, and is based on the Taoist teachings to improve people’s everyday lives. Its origins are quite old, but are still considered to be one of the best ways to decorate and organize the home in a way that makes us happy.

Have good protection with feng shui

A recommendation for feng shui  is that the home should have good protection behind it. This can be anything from a hill or a mountain, another house, or a small building behind the house that gives you a feeling of protection and security.

Create an area on the front page


It is also important to have an open area at the front of the home. The best options are a courtyard or garden on the opposite side of the main entrance, but a playground or patio can also work. The most important thing is that you should create a space that gives you a sense of openness.

Also pay attention to the pages

In addition to protection behind the home and an area at the front, it is also important to take care of the sides of the house. To do this, you should have a building or a neighboring house there, to create a stable balance and harmony. Just like an armchair, your home also needs support on each side.

Always look for security

Due to the points above, it is not a good idea to build your home on top of a mountain or rent the top floor of an apartment building. The reason for this is that these places have no protection, on any side. Your home should always be confined and safe.

Look around on the outside


Always pay attention to what is going on around you, beyond the obvious things, as there are other factors that can have a negative effect on the harmony of the house. Pay close attention to items such as poles, antennas, cables, etc. that could produce negative energy. Also take care of the trees in front of your house. Do not allow them to block walkways or entrances. Also, make sure that the branches are not a risk to your home.

Entrance door

Take good care of the front door, as this is one of the most important aspects of the home. Try to keep it in good condition, always painted and plastered, visible from the road, with a few plants on each side for the sake of appearance. Remember that the front door is the “outside” of the house, so it should always look inviting and well-kept.

The interior is also important

According to feng shui, the inner path through the home should be curved or winding, and not straight. It should be free of obstacles such as trees or plants, otherwise this can create negative energy .

Pay attention to mirrors

You can, of course, have mirrors inside the house, but it is best to keep them covered. If you have a mirror in a room, we recommend that you place it in a cupboard or cabinet so that it is only visible when you need it. Avoid seeing the mirror when not in use.

Do not forget to keep it clean and tidy


Last but not least, it is important to keep your home clean and tidy at all times. Do not allow dirt or bad odors to collect in the house, and avoid clutter or things scattered around the house. Every item should have its place and should also be washed frequently. Of course, you do not have to go overboard with the washing – but remember to keep the interior of your home in good condition. Following all these tips will make you feel comfortable, happy and safe.


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