How To Combat Fluid Retention In Just One Month

These natural methods are completely safe and have no negative effects, so try this before you resort to diuretics. 
How to combat fluid retention in just one month

Sometimes you may think that you have put on a few extra kilos, but the truth is that you have an accumulation of fluid in your body. Maybe you eat too much salt, have kidney problems, experience a hormonal imbalance, or maybe your body simply does not eliminate fluids properly. In this article, we will show you a simple and natural plan that will help you get rid of all the extra fluid in your body that makes you feel heavy and swollen. Find out how you can combat fluid retention in just one month by following these simple dietary tips with natural foods and ingredients.

Fight fluid retention with onion broth

One of the best things you can get this month is onions, a medicinal food that has been used since ancient times. The onion acts as a potent diuretic and is also anti-inflammatory and can therefore help against kidney inflammation. It has a very mild effect on the body and therefore has no negative side effects.

You should get an onion broth every day. It is therefore a good idea to cook a lot at once so you avoid having to cook again every day.

Another super benefit of this soup is that you can make it more tasty by adding seawater, which is found in health food stores and some supermarkets. Seawater does not contain a negative content of sodium and also helps to fight fluid retention in the body. It is therefore recommended as a substitute for standard table salt in many recipes.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 large onions
  • 250 ml seawater

Cut the onion and cook the pieces in water for at least half an hour. Strain the pieces of liquid and set aside. You can also add extra flavor with a little lemon juice.

How should this be drunk?

This broth should be drunk during the day, between meals. It is best to drink it half an hour before eating. The cooked onion pieces can be used for vegetable sauces and soups.

2-onion soup

One grapefruit a day

The citrus grapefruit is a super cleanser for both lungs and liver, so we recommend eating one of these every day for a 30-day cure. The best times to get the fruit are in the morning before breakfast or before bed, after dinner. If the taste is too bitter for you, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon or add a little honey.



Natural supplements

There are two herbs that will help improve the diuretic effect of this treatment: green tea and horsetail or horsetail. Green tea: This also helps the body remove excess fat, in addition to having a stimulating effect that has been shown to prevent cancer.

Field snare: In addition to being a diuretic, field snare also helps reduce kidney inflammation and makes hair, skin and nails healthy and strong thanks to the silica content .

Both of these can be drunk in the form of tea, but if you think the onion broth is enough to drink between meals, you can also take these as a supplement in the form of capsules or tablets. Feel free to choose one of these and drink / consume it daily for the 30 days to achieve a long-lasting diuretic effect.

Food that worsens fluid retention

While following this simple plan to combat fluid retention, it is also important that you avoid foods that can damage your kidneys and cause more fluid retention. The worst are:

  • Salt: you can use a little sea salt when cooking, but avoid regular table salt
  • Ready-made food and deep-fried food
  • Canned food
  • Coffee
  • Soda

Heat to the kidneys

As we have mentioned before, the kidneys are the most important organ in the body for fighting fluid retention. Because kidney health is so closely linked to our energy levels, very cold weather can be harmful. The most common symptoms are lower back pain.

Whether you feel this pain or not, you may want to make it a habit to warm the area every night, approximately in the middle of your back. A good tip is to use a hot water bottle or heating element for 15 to 30 minutes before going to bed.

Be careful with diuretics

We recommend that you try our natural dietary tips before resorting to diuretics, as these can have side effects such as extreme sensitivity or nervousness. If you take them on prescription, it is a good idea to eat a lot of potassium-rich foods to counteract the effects, such as:

  • Tomatoes
  • Vegetable broths
  • Bananas

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