Homemade Remedies For Fungal Infections In The Abdomen

One of the most common causes of vaginal fungal infection is Candida Albicans. Natural yogurt is one of the best remedies for vaginal fungal infection, as it contains bacteria that can restore the pH balance.
Homemade remedies for fungal infections in the abdomen
Fungal infection of the abdomen is caused by a number of microorganisms that are usually found in a healthy vagina. One of the most common causes of fungal infections in the abdomen is Candida Albicans. It causes symptoms such as discharge, odor, itching and redness of the labia.  This will sometimes spread to the upper part of the thighs.
Another form of vaginal infection is bacterial vaginosis.  Symptoms include a lot of discharge and a strong odor, especially after intercourse. When you discover symptoms of a fungal infection in the abdomen, it is important that you consult a doctor to determine what treatment is needed for the type of organism that creates the infection.
Take a look at the following homemade remedies  and healthy habits that fight fungal infections:

Stay dry

Remember to dry yourself well when you have been in the bathroom. Fungi grow and spread when it is hot and humid, so it is important to dry well after a shower or a bath.

Wear breathable underwear

Fungal infection of the abdomen can cause pain

Whenever possible, wear breathable underwear to avoid heat and moisture. If you use nylon panties, make sure they contain cotton as well. In addition, you should avoid wearing a wet bathing suit for a long time after swimming .

Good personal hygiene

Whether you suffer from a fungal infection in the abdomen or not, it is important to wash yourself with a mild soap. Wash daily and avoid sharing towels, soap and other toiletries .  You should also wash your underwear in warm water or in a mixture of vinegar and water to completely get rid of the fungus.

Avoid strong soaps

Avoid strong soaps

Strong soaps and other toiletries that contain alcohol can irritate the vagina and change its natural pH value. If you have symptoms of a fungal infection in the abdomen, you can prepare a vaginal wash from a little vinegar mixed with water. The vinegar will help you restore a natural pH value in the vagina 4.5, which is the normal value.

Natural yogurt

natural yogurt

Natural yogurt is one of the best remedies for fungal infections in the abdomen. It contains bacteria that help restore a natural acid balance. If you have a fungal infection, you can eat natural yogurt or mix it with a little water and use it instead of soap.

Boric acid

Boric acid is an ecological treatment for vaginal fungal infections. A number of studies show that this is an effective treatment. Small gelatin capsules can be filled with boric acid, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Take this once a day for a week.

Herbal medicine

  • If you want to get rid of vaginal itching and burning, you can prepare an extract of rosemary and use a towel for external application.
  • Another option is to drink thyme, with 1 tablespoon of thyme for each cup of boiling water. Drink 1-4 cups every day.
  • Cat cheese  is ideal for treating Candida Albicans and its symptoms. This plant reduces swelling and contributes to a relaxing and analgesic effect .  To make this, boil some cat cheese leaves in a liter of water. Cool and pour it into the tub for vaginal application.

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