Home Treatment For Limp Arms

The best way to get rid of loose arms and countenance pendants is by combining physical exercise with natural beauty treatments that help us tighten our arms.
Home treatment for limp arms

As we all know, there are many beauty treatments for flabby arms these days, which can be unsightly and difficult to exercise. But what is certain is that not all treatments are effective. Most of the time, there is nothing better than the natural way.

But why is this happening? Relaxed arms are most often due to genetics, or at least a predisposition that leads to it.

Still, there is something that is easily noticeable when you gain or lose weight, or when you stop doing activities that use the arm muscles, such as lifting weights. If we have done such things before, it is normal for the arms to become slack and for the arms to lose the muscle tone we hoped for.

Do not stop training


It is obvious that one of the best ways to have tight arms  is by training that part of the body. Nevertheless, there are some activities that can help you improve your skin tone and regain elasticity.

A proven home treatment for limp arms

limp arms

This skin mask is rich in vitamin E, the main component in many beauty creams. With it you can get tighter arms and you do not have to resort to expensive creams. In addition, it protects the body tissue from free radicals due to the properties of the ingredients, which is what gives it the firming effect we are talking about.


  • Half a cup of   natural yogurt (100 g)
  • An egg
  • A capsule with vitamin E.


  • The first thing you do is mix the yogurt and the egg together.
  • If you want to make larger mixes, keep the mixing ratio so you have half a cup of yogurt per egg.
  • Use both the egg white and the egg yolk and do not forget to beat the eggs before adding the yoghurt. After this, mix the ingredients well.
  • Now open the capsule with vitamin E. They are easy to find in the supermarket or pharmacy and you will see that they have a gel-like texture, since they have a liquid inside them.
  • Pour the contents of the capsule into the yoghurt and egg mixture, and you can add vitamin E oil if you want.
  • Mix everything until it has a smooth texture and put it in the fridge to cool it down for a few minutes.
  • Do not worry if the yogurt was in the fridge before, it will only take less time. This is also a good tip to make it cool down faster.
  • Finally, just rub the skin mask on your arms. Rub it in properly so that it is better absorbed.
  • Put it on for 10 minutes, then you can wash it off with cold water.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week.

As long as you continue the treatment, you will see results within a month if you are consistent with its use.

Other natural treatment options

In addition to the mask we have shown you today, there are a number of alternative natural treatments that also work against limp arms. As we have said, this is about using natural remedies, which you can try without any worries, since they are not harmful in any way. If you have allergies to any of the ingredients, do not use those recipes.

With apple


Apples can be a good ally  when it comes to fighting loose arms.


  • 1/2 glass apple juice (100 ml)
  • 1/2 glass honeydew melon juice (100 ml)

This is what you do

  • You just need to mix the juices together and massage it on the soft areas.
  • You can do this up to twice a week.
  • This trick is easy to do throughout the year.

With honeydew melon

Summer is a good time to use this honeydew melon mask.


  • 1 small honeydew melon
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • Water

This is what you do

  • Using a knife, scrape the pulp from the honeydew melon and put it in a blender, along with some water and lemon juice.
  • Mix it for a few minutes until you have an even mixture.
  • Once mixed well, soak a gauze bandage in the liquid and place it on your arms for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • You will notice a difference in a short time, which is a good alternative to the previous option.

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