Home Treatment For Dry Hands And Cuticles

Dry hands look older. You can moisturize them and make them beautiful again with this simple home treatment. Give it a try!
Home treatment for dry hands and cuticles

Dry hands and cracked cuticles are caused by regular exposure to dirt, chemicals in cleaning products and sudden temperature changes. When they come in direct contact with the skin, they steal its natural moisture, which causes inflammation and causes it to diminish its ability to regenerate.

As a consequence, small impurities and irregularities begin to occur, which can make your hands look older long before their time. And because the cuticles play a very important role in the health of the nails, this tends to make the nails weak, inflamed and break.

But fortunately, there are many natural products that help to recover moisture, which helps with renewal and keeps them healthy.

Today we will share a home treatment made from vitamin E oil, almond oil and cocoa butter, whose properties give incredible effects to relieve dry hands.

Get started and give it a try!

Home treatment for dry hands and cuticles

The ingredients combined in this home treatment are powerful moisturizers that soften the skin and improve how it looks. We will take a detailed look at the main benefits so you are not in doubt about their wonderful effects.

Vitamin E oil


Vitamin E oil can be found at a reasonable price at the pharmacy. Its properties have been valued in cosmetics for a very long time.

It exerts a powerful antioxidant effect that reduces oxidative damage while promoting cell growth and preventing tissue breakdown. It can be applied externally to minimize the negative effects of the sun and stop the accumulation of dead skin cells.

In fact, it is called the “vitamin of youth and life” in many places around the world. This is due to its ability to protect the cells from the aging process.

Almond oil

This oil variant stands out due to its emollient and repairing properties. It soothes irritation and other symptoms caused by dryness.

It is used mainly externally, as it is very moisturizing and contains properties that provide benefits to the skin and hair appearance.

It is perfect for dry hands because it reduces the risk of cuticle inflammation and maintains the skin’s elasticity to prevent wrinkles from occurring. It also has a natural calming effect on small cuts, burning and irritation caused by the use of chemical products.

Cocoa butter


This is considered to be an excellent natural cream. Cocoa butter is a lubricant that easily penetrates various epidermal levels.

Applying it as a hand treatment will keep your hands soft, smooth and free of sores or cuts on the skin. Cocoa butter stands out due to its high content of antioxidants that fight free radicals.

It creates a protective barrier against the sun’s ultraviolet rays and thus reduces the risk of the skin getting marks, becoming flaky and irritated. It is also useful for renewing and healing scars.

How do you make this home treatment for dry hands and cuticles?

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Instead of investing a lot of money in commercial creams, choose instead to use this simple recipe to keep your hands and cuticles healthy.

These ingredients are easy to find, and they generally stay good for long periods of time as long as they are stored at the right temperature. The cream you get can be used as part of your beauty routine or to complete your manicure.


  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil (5 g)
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa butter (10 g)

This is what you do

  • Put the cocoa butter in a fireproof bowl and melt it in a water bath.
  • As soon as it starts to melt, add the almond oil and the liquid from the vitamin E capsule.
  • Stir with a small spoon and make sure all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Let the mixture rest for a few minutes before pouring it into a clean bowl or glass. Wait until it hardens before using it.

Application method

  • As soon as you have a thick cream, massage a small amount over your dry hands and cuticles.
  • Apply every night for best results.

By applying this wonderful cream continuously, you will get softer, more moisturized and protected hands in a short time.

Get started and make some at home, and you will see all the benefits yourself.

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