Home Media Against Fever

Home remedies for fever

Fever can be alarming, especially if it affects young children who already have other health problems. Fever affects children more often than it affects adults, as their immune system is not fully developed. Learn about some home remedies for fever in the following article.
The definition of fever is when the body temperature exceeds 37 °. Fever occurs when the body does not have enough antibodies to fight a virus attack, bacteria or other types of microorganisms. By raising the body temperature, the body can fight an infection by making the body sweat due to the heat. Therefore, fever should be considered as a symptom of a disease that requires treatment, especially if other symptoms such as diarrhea, seizures and difficulty breathing are present.

Many people use different types of medication to lower their body temperature when they have a fever. Excessive use of medications can have serious side effects, some of which occur immediately.

What should you do when you have a fever?

The first thing you should do when you have a fever is to observe the condition over time. If your body temperature stays below 37.7 degrees, make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids. Eventually, the fever will be “destroyed” by sweat, and the body will eliminate all toxins that are left. When this happens, you should change clothes and bedding to avoid being exposed to the waste you have sweated out.

If the fever exceeds 37.7 degrees, it is important that you bring the temperature down. Call a doctor if necessary. For infants younger than 3 months, body temperature is critical if it exceeds 37.7 degrees. 

Treatments that help with fever


There are many natural ways of treating that help against fever. They are simple and safe solutions that will bring body temperature down to a healthy level.


Yarrow has been known for its ability to relieve fever for centuries. It lowers body temperature, and its properties also help digestion fight parasites and other bacteria. If you have a fever, it is recommended that you make a mixture of yarrow, mint and elderberry.



Onions can be used to relieve fever by dividing it into small pieces that you lay on the floor. Anyone suffering from fever should stand on the onion pieces barefoot for half an hour. When it comes to children, the best method is to put the onion pieces in their socks and get the children to put on their socks.


Another good method to regulate body temperature is to use sage. To use sage, boil a cup of water (200 ml) and add a tablespoon of fresh sage, a teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of lemon juice.


Potatoes have natural anti-inflammatory properties and enzymes that help with fever. To take advantage of the potatoes, mash, shake and mix them with cold water before applying them to the pan and letting them work for 10 to 15 minutes.

Drink plenty of water

drink water

No matter what methods you use to relieve the fever, be sure to drink plenty of water so that your body does not become dehydrated. You can also drink natural tea and juice.

Lemon peel and barley

This final remedy replenishes fluid the body has lost during the fever period. To prepare it, add the peel of a lemon and two tablespoons of barley to 1/4 boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool and infuse for 12 hours, then drink a little and a little of the mixture throughout the day when the fever has subsided.

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