High Life Expectancy: Why Do The Japanese Live Longer?

Life expectancy in Japan is high. What are the Japanese doing to live longer? In this article, we reveal how we can learn from them to make our lives healthier.
High life expectancy: Why do the Japanese live longer?

These days, we are never surprised when we hear that an Asian person has reached his 100th birthday, but how do they do it? In this article, we will reveal why the Japanese have such a high life expectancy, as well as how we can learn from them to make our lives longer and healthier.

High life expectancy due to lifestyle

In Japan (or, to be more precise, on the island of Okinawa) live some of the oldest women in the world. There, the figure for obesity is one-eighth of industrialized countries such as the United States, and cardiovascular disease is a rarity.

Life expectancy for the Japanese is about 92 years, but many of them live longer than this. Best of all, they live a healthy life. Although one of the reasons for this is genetic, it is also true that some honor must be given to daily habits.

If you have not been blessed with Asian genes then do not worry, you can still use a similar lifestyle and enjoy the benefits.

Why do the Japanese live longer?

Did you know that the average person in Japan goes to the doctor once a month? This does not mean that they are hypochondriacs, nor that they love medical tests. It just shows that they are concerned about their health and that they rely on preventative treatments. This is just a habit for a longer life. Some others include:

Eat an “almost” vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diet.

The majority of people living in Japanese villages (not as many as in the cities) base their diet on fruits, vegetables and grains. Sometimes they add some fish or red meat which they save for special occasions. A typical lunch contains a lot of nutrients and low in calories: Sautéed vegetables with tofu, sweet potatoes and soy sauce.

They also do not use as many dairy products as we do in the West. They add brown rice to many small dishes (it is a good source of protein) and some seaweed for extra flavor.

When it comes to beverages, green tea is a big part of the diet. The Japanese drink a number of cups of tea between morning and evening (the same as other countries with coffee). This tea is rich in antioxidants and good for the digestive system.

2. High life expectancy: Go

They also tend to cycle much more, just as much in the cities as in the countryside. In Japan, cars are considered luxury items and a waste of time due to the high population. On public transport, such as the subway or train, you will see many passengers with bicycles.

When they have to run errands, go to the doctor or go to school, they choose to go instead of using their own vehicle. There are so many benefits to this habit, above all the benefits to your cardiovascular system. Walking helps prevent heart attacks and improves the airways.

3. They enjoy the fresh air

Fresh air increases life expectancy.

It does not matter how much time they spend fulfilling their obligations, you will always see the Japanese take care of plants and flowers. Their gardens may be small, but they are well cared for. There are also those who plant aromatic species, or have small vegetable gardens on the balcony.

It is normal for the Japanese to train in the many public parks on nice days in the spring or summer. They like to spend time in the fresh air, perhaps because their houses are small, or perhaps to take full advantage of the sunlight. This last point alone is good, as they can get vitamin D and absorb calcium.

As you can see, the Japanese are very active, even after they retire. They do many activities, and age is no obstacle to enjoying them.

4. They spend a lot of time with family

Among all the habits of high life expectancy, we must also mention habits that are good for the spirit, soul or nervous system. Family is the most important thing for the Japanese, and when a person gets older, the oldest child takes responsibility for the care.

Grandparents spend a lot of time with their grandchildren, since older people are considered a great source of knowledge and experience. There is no doubt that this helps them feel useful, as they do something important at home by teaching the little ones.

5. High life expectancy: They live life more slowly

Woman relaxing.

In the big cities in Japan, of course, this does not always apply. Those who live and work in the metropolis continue at a much faster pace. However, they also take time for meditation or to practice relaxation techniques such as Tai Chi.

It is normal to see people in public places doing a kind of rhythmic or relaxing “dance”. This puts them in touch with their roots and helps them forget about stress.

These are some of the reasons why the Japanese have such a high life expectancy, and there is a lot we can learn from them!

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