Herbs For Hair Loss

In addition to your usual routine, you can strengthen your hair by using herbs. Remember that a balanced diet is important, which gives your body all the nutrients it needs to keep your hair healthy.
Herbs for hair loss

Everyone experiences some hair loss. It is completely natural. Sometimes we can be shocked at how much hair we lose, whether it is due to climate change, stress or hormonal changes. What can you do about this? Proper nutrition is always important. It is especially important to get enough minerals such as iron and zinc. In addition to this, the herbal treatments we are going to talk about today can help you in the fight against hair loss. Read on and find out more!

The best herbs in the fight against hair loss

Sometimes you may have too little iron in your body. This is a common cause of hair loss. Other times there are changes in metabolism, diseases, heredity or simply the passage of time. All of these are factors that make it difficult to maintain a beautiful and thick mane with hair. To find the solution to hair loss you need to think about all of these.

But can herbal treatments help? We present them here as additional treatments. They can be very effective, but they alone do not give you thicker hair. What they do, however, is stimulate and nourish the hair follicles. They can also treat and repair the hair, and add many benefits. It’s worth a try.

1. Rosemary cream and nettle for hair loss


This treatment is simply amazing. It is a classic treatment that has been in use for many years against hair loss in men. Nasal root blocks the production of a hormone called DHT. It is this hormone that is responsible for baldness in men.

How do you make this cream? It’s pretty simple. All you need is some nettle root and some stalks of rosemary. Boil them in a cup of water. When it boils, pull it aside and let it rest for a while. Once it has cooled, you can use it in wet hair. Gently massage it into the hair and afterwards wash it with warm water.

2. Treatment with horseradish and geranium


Were you surprised by this combination? Well, it’s very effective. The effect comes from the fact that horseradish contains cysteine, selenium and silica which strengthens the hair and promotes hair growth.

When combined with geranium, the hair follicles are nourished so that they can produce new hairs. You need to boil a quarter of a liter of water with 7 tablespoons of dried horseradish and 5 geranium leaves. Cool the mixture before putting it in damp hair. Massage well. It should not be rinsed out. Do not use a hair dryer, but let the hair air dry. If you do this three times a week, you will see results.

3. Apple cider vinegar and sage

4-apple cider vinegar

This is the third herbal treatment you should try. Apple cider vinegar contains sulfur, which is an important ingredient for healthy hair. When you combine this with sage, you get a cure that nourishes the scalp and stimulates the growth of new hair. Make a tea from three tablespoons of dried sage and two cups of water. Leave it for a while and then add half a cup of apple cider vinegar. Massage the mixture into damp hair. Rinse with warm water and wash your hair in the normal way. No need to worry, your hair will not smell like apple cider vinegar afterwards. On the other hand, your hair will shine and look very beautiful. Shall we not make an attempt?

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