Having High Blood Pressure: Things To Avoid

Our diet is one of the most influential factors that causes us to get high blood pressure. Of course, there are other habits that come into play, but the effect of a good or bad diet is reflected in one’s blood pressure.
Having high blood pressure: Things to avoid

Today, having high blood pressure is a very common disease that is caused by several different factors, including obesity, genetics, poor eating habits, having a sedentary lifestyle, and more. This disorder can lead to serious health problems that are strongly linked to cardiovascular disease. This is why people with high blood pressure should start living a healthier lifestyle that helps them control the problem, before it begins to seriously affect their health.

Our diet is one of the most influential factors that causes us to have high blood pressure. Of course, there are other habits that come into play, but the effect of a good or bad diet is reflected in one’s blood pressure. Today we will focus on  things to avoid if you suffer from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

Having high blood pressure: Foods you should avoid

As we said earlier, food is one of the most influential factors in the condition of our blood pressure. Now we will teach you about foods to avoid if you have this disorder.

Cold cuts and sausages

Cold cuts and sausages are known for their high content of sodium and fat, which is harmful to the health of blood vessels and  blood circulation in general. It is best to choose lean meats such as chicken or turkey (both without skin), rabbit, veal, and so on.


Most cheeses tend to have a high sodium content, which causes an increase in blood pressure.  Because it increases the amount of fluid retained in the body, blood pressure rises. A good substitute for traditional cheeses is a variant without added sodium, which is now quite easy to find in most grocery stores.

Having high blood pressure: Things to avoid


Most snacks usually contain a lot of sodium and fat which is bad for your body. Avoid eating fried foods, salted nuts, potato chips, french fries, saltines and other similar snacks.

Butter and margarine

Butter and margarine are usually used to prepare food or to be served with food. However, they have a high content of sodium and fat which affects the health of the blood vessels. You can reduce your intake of these products to small amounts, or choose to use olive oil as an alternative.

Avoid eating dried or salted meat

Fry with a high sodium content

You should avoid eating dehydrated meat and other products available in stores. These foods usually have a very high sodium content, which means that they stay good for a long time.

Salad dressings and sauces

Sauces and salad dressings such as mayonnaise, ketchup, Thousand Island and the like have a high content of sodium, which we already know affects the health of blood vessels. Instead of using these, make a homemade dressing that is low in sodium and fat.

Black tea

Black tea

This type of tea has a high caffeine content,  and it is not recommended when it comes to having high blood pressure, because it stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol, which increases blood pressure.

Anise seeds

Tea made with aniseed can increase blood pressure dramatically, and it can even cause a heart attack in extreme cases.

Other habits you should avoid…

  • Do not drink alcohol. Too much alcohol increases blood pressure. However, it has been found that drinking just a glass or two of wine a day can actually help regulate blood pressure.
  • Do not live a sedentary life. Not getting enough exercise can lead to serious health problems, including high blood pressure. Obesity and high levels of bad cholesterol will also accelerate the development of this disorder. It is important to eat healthy, get enough exercise, drink water, reduce stress and get a regular check up with your doctor.
  • Avoid caffeine. Research is still ongoing to find out exactly how caffeine affects blood pressure. However, although there is evidence that caffeine can increase blood pressure just when you get it in you, it is not known if the effect is lasting or only temporary. Still, it is best to avoid or cut down on foods and beverages that contain caffeine when it comes to having high blood pressure.

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