Harvard Study Advises Against Low-fat Cow’s Milk

In the struggle to lose weight and maintain a nice figure, many people have chosen to drink low-fat cow’s milk or eat products made from low-fat cow’s milk. The desire is to be able to enjoy the delicious taste and all the benefits, without getting so much fat.

For many years, many questions have been asked about cow’s milk and its benefits and nutritional value. Many people, regardless of this, have milk as an important part of their daily diet. In recent times, there have been several studies that show that low-fat cow’s milk can be harmful to health.

In the struggle to lose weight and maintain a nice figure, many people have chosen to drink low-fat cow’s milk or eat products made from low-fat cow’s milk. The desire is to be able to enjoy the delicious taste and all the benefits, without getting so much fat. David Ludwig, a researcher from Harvard University, has conducted a study that questioned the so-called benefits of milk. Especially when it came to skim milk and light milk.

The study, published in the journal of the American Medical Association of Pediatrics , revealed that when fat is removed from milk, it is replaced by sugar. In the long run, this is more dangerous. Although the dangers of drinking sugary soft drinks have been talked about for many years, low-fat cow’s milk has never been included in this list. In the study, Dr. Ludwig questioned the correctness of promoting low-fat cow’s milk. He believes that all drinks that contain sugar and calories should be treated with the same caution.

Is it necessary to drink low-fat cow’s milk?

This study coincides with other studies that conclude that we humans do not need cow’s milk and that it can even be harmful to the body. Cow’s milk became popular due to its calcium content. According to experts, calcium is important for the skeleton. However, there are other foods that contain more calcium than cow’s milk and that have no negative health effects.


Some good examples of calcium-rich foods are broccoli and kale. These have more than 160 mg of calcium per serving. There are also other sources, such as sardines, nuts, seeds and legumes. These also give you a lot of calcium per serving. The body should therefore consume a lot of milk to maintain a healthy skeleton. Instead of milk, everyone should seek to increase the consumption of other and healthier foods.

There are many good arguments that support a no to the consumption of low-fat milk. According to the Havard study, there are few clinical tests that show the effect of low-fat milk compared to h-milk, in terms of their health-promoting abilities. On the contrary, there are many studies that show that people who drink low-fat milk feel less full. The probability of weight gain increases because one feels a greater need to consume more calories.

Where does milk come from?

There are still many nutritionists who recommend their patients to drink low-fat milk, when they want to lose weight. However, every new study reveals that this product is not as good as the commercial market forces are supposed to be. Experts suggest that it is better to drink organic h-milk.

Dairy products can contribute to good heart health, treat diabetes, give us vitamins and reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Before deciding whether milk is good for your health, you should ask yourself the following questions: Where does the milk come from?


We can confirm that today it is very difficult to find milk that is healthy for your body. The number of hormones that the cows receive to increase milk production has noticeably changed the product and turned it into something that can harm the body. Many of us ignore these dangers. We should, however, be aware that nothing is as it was a few decades ago. Technology has in many ways negatively affected food production. It is important that we question the foods we find in the store.

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