Fruit For Urinary Tract Infections

Fruits are rich in vitamin C and can eliminate harmful bacteria. By eating more fruit you can improve the health of your internal organs.
Fruit for urinary tract infections

Do you often get urinary tract infections? Apart from the medications prescribed by your doctor, it is always a good idea to make sure that you follow an adequate diet. Fruit for urinary tract infections can help you. Want to know which ones are best for you?

Fruit for urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are a very common ailment for women. Usually when we get the irritating inflammation of the bladder, we also feel a burning sensation when we urinate, pressure in the abdominal area, and sometimes even a low fever. Has this ever happened to you? As you probably know, it is usually treated with a course of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. But today we want to give you some guidelines that can complement your treatment regimen, and fruit is a very appropriate supplement.

So why is fruit useful for urinary tract infections? Basically, this is because they are so rich in vitamin C and other compounds that help you gradually reduce the bacteria found in your bladder. We will also give you an overview of the different strategies you can follow in addition to the antibiotic regimen:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. This will help cleanse the bladder and urinary tract.
  • Tea made with chamomile, cinnamon and rosemary is also quite useful, because they reduce inflammation.
  • Eat foods that contain antibiotic properties. Do you know what they are? Of course you do. They include garlic, ginger, parsley… You can make a tea of ​​ginger for the afternoons, or a mixture by boiling 5 sprigs of parsley in a cup of water. Strain the liquid and drink it – you will feel better.
  • Diuretic foods, as you know, prevent fluid retention and promote urination. The best are asparagus, cucumber, celery and beets.
  • Avoid foods that can irritate the bladder such as coffee and green tea.
  • Avoid foods made with refined flour, yeast and sugar – all these do is increase the storage of fluids and it will not help fight the infection.
  • Drink a glass of water every day with a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in it. This will help you get rid of the urinary tract infection.

Fruit for urinary tract infections

1. Cranberries


Do you like cranberries? Can you easily find them at your local grocery store? You should always think of cranberries when you have problems with the urinary tract – doctors and nutritionists are already well known for their good antibiotic and antioxidant properties. Cranberries increase the acidity of the urine, which helps eliminate all kinds of bacteria by either killing them or preventing them from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract.

Here’s a tip: Do not buy pre-packaged cranberry juice in the grocery store. They do not contain any active ingredients that promote healing, and they also have large amounts of sugar. It is much better to buy fresh cranberries and make juice at home.

2. Papaya

3-papaya juice

Papaya is another example of a fruit that is high in acidity, which helps remove bacteria and preserve the urinary tract. They are a natural source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Another fact to consider is that papaya promotes detox by being rich in fiber, and combined with its high levels of antioxidants, this fruit will help cleanse the bladder, intestines and colon.

Papayas are also good for us because they contain enzymes that reduce inflammation and promote healing. Are you going to miss this one? Do not hesitate to try it – this is a very therapeutic fruit for urinary tract infections.

3. Juice of orange and lemon

4-citrus fruits

As you already know, there are few fruits that are as rich in vitamin C and antioxidants as oranges and lemons. Ideally, you should make a juice with two oranges and half of a lemon in the morning. Do not filter out the pulp and drink it slowly – the pulp will also help to cleanse the intestines. Just drink this natural juice every day and supplement it with other fruits for urinary tract infections that we have been talking about so far.

4. The benefits of pineapple


Did you know that pineapple contains enzymes that speed up how quickly you get better by reducing inflammation in the bladder? Yes, it does – it is a medicinal fruit that is worth eating every day as you like – added to salads, alone or in a juice.

5. Red grapes


Grapes are a rich natural food that helps to take care of our urinary tract, almost as well as cranberries. They are delicious and attractive to the eye, and a good fruit to include in your daily diet when you suffer from a urinary tract infection. They are rich in antioxidants, reduce inflammation, are very diuretic, and provide us with good vitamins that help promote our daily recovery. Enjoy them!

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