Four Shakes To Get Rid Of Toxins

If you drink shakes like this, we are sure you will be able to stay healthy for a long time. Always remember to use fresh ingredients of good quality, in addition to exercising, so that the calories from the fruit do not become a problem.
Four shakes to get rid of toxins

Your body is constantly changing and may struggle to get rid of toxins and maintain good health. But what do you do to help? Do you eat healthy and try to avoid toxins, or is it something you do not put so much emphasis on?

Although our internal organs perform cleaning processes, they cannot always be kept free of toxins, because we have adopted such harmful habits that most of the time the task of getting rid of toxins is very complicated.

Fortunately, there is hope. There are herbs that can help you maintain your health. The herbs we mention today help you get rid of toxins and provide you with nutrients while cleansing your body.

Are you ready? Take notes and drink these smoothies to get rid of toxins consistently. This way you will definitely get good results.

1. Basil shake to get rid of toxins from the kidneys

Green shake with basil

Basil is a good aid for eliminating toxins that have accumulated in the kidneys. These small organs play a vital role in cleansing the blood, and are easily damaged by processed foods.

When you eat basil, it will ensure that your kidneys function properly for a long time. If you already have problems such as infections or kidney stones, do not wait any longer. In addition, you should try to stop eating processed foods and salt for a while.


  • 125 ml almond milk
  • 1/2 peeled mango into cubes
  • 125 ml basil leaves
  • 1/2 banana
  • 2 ice cubes

This is what you do

  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them.
  • Be sure to drink this shake immediately to avoid oxidation of the nutrients.

Due to the fruit it contains, we recommend that you drink it before exercising, or in the morning. Its high calorie content makes it an excellent source of energy.

Coriander shake to clean out heavy metals

Coriander shake to get rid of heavy metals

Coriander is an herb that is widely used in cooking because of its incredible taste. This herb has lots of benefits for your health, which you should not overlook. The reason coriander is excellent for eliminating toxins is that it favors the removal of heavy metals in a natural way.  Consuming these metals through water and some types of food is much more common than you think.

Even if you do not like it, you should know that it is practically impossible not to ingest a small dose of these metals at times. So, including foods in your diet that eliminate them is the best way to prevent future problems. Due to the taste of coriander, it is best to combine it with citrus fruits. Try this shake, because we’re sure you’ll love it.


  • 250 ml fresh spinach
  • 125 ml freshly washed coriander
  • 250 ml of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cm fresh ginger

This is what you do

  • Mix all the ingredients in a blender and drink the shake immediately.

This shake is great if you want something that is easy to prepare, and it tastes great. If you do not like the taste, you can add the juice from a grapefruit to make the taste more citrusy.

Mint shake for colon health

Mint shake

Removing toxins will not only improve your kidney health, but also your colon. When toxins affect the colon, you will suffer from digestive problems.

Coin mixer has two functions:

  • They remove toxins that have accumulated in the colon.
  • They improve the digestive process to prevent toxins from accumulating.

And if that wasn’t enough, your skin will also be cleansed of toxins thanks to mint. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find facial cleansers that use it as a main ingredient. This time, we suggest that you allow your internal organs to take advantage of the benefits that mint has to offer.


  • 6 frozen strawberries
  • 250 ml natural Greek yogurt
  • 125 ml coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 10 pure mint leaves

This is what you do

  • Put all the ingredients in a blender.
  • Mix until all the ingredients are mixed well and have a creamy consistency.
  • Drink this shake immediately.

This shake is delicious and creamy, so it will probably be one of your favorites if you like sweet things. You can drink this as a small snack between breakfast and lunch when you lack energy.

4. Parsley shake for complete detoxification

Parsley shake

Do you eat bad food and have kidney and liver problems? If you do, you should know that parsley cleanses both organs at the same time. In addition to following your doctor’s diet and lifestyle instructions, we recommend that you consume natural foods.

This shake is quite cold, so we recommend it for the hottest days when you need to cool down.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 250 ml pineapple in pieces
  • 1/2 cucumber cut into pieces
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 250 ml parsley
  • 1 isbit

This is what you do

  • Mix all the ingredients in a blender and drink it immediately.

What do you think? If you drink these shakes, we are sure you will be able to stay healthy for a long time. Always remember to use fresh ingredients of good quality, in addition to exercising so that the calories from the fruit do not become a problem.

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