Forgive And Let Go Of The Past: Learn To Let Go

You can not let the past stop you from moving on. Mistakes must not keep you down, they should be seen as part of life’s learning process
Forgive and let go of the past: learn to let go

Sometimes our past can overwhelm us to the point that it prevents us from living in peace and harmony today. When this happens, we become paralyzed and we do not make any  progress.

It is easy to say that we only have to let go of the past if we want to move on, but when it is very painful and is not solved naturally, it becomes a very serious problem that requires our attention.

You will learn from your mistakes

One of the main reasons why we do not make any progress is the mistakes we made before. If you have a bad conscience because you have done something wrong, or if you have done something you did not really want to do, it will haunt and torment us.


Basically, we know that mistakes can be corrected, but what about the mistakes that seem like there is no going back from them? The solution is simple: you just have to learn from them. Remember that you can always get something positive from all the negative experiences.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, even those mistakes that weigh heavily on your conscience. It will keep you from moving forward and you will become an object of a past that you cannot change.  Keep looking  ahead, because you can not change what has already been done.

Should you punish yourself for making mistakes? Never. Making mistakes is human and something that teaches us that we are not perfect. We should be aware of the fact that making mistakes is positive, because we can learn from them.

I will not deny myself happiness

You may have experienced some sad and dark times in the past that you still remember today. These times are long gone! You can not continue living in the past, because your present is here.


There are many people who are not able to be happy because they live rooted in their past. It is normal to reflect on the past to learn from it sometimes, to see what has happened to us and how we have learned from it.

To do this, you must learn to forgive others and to forgive yourself. Bitterness has never done anyone any good – it just denies you the happiness that awaits you. You need to let go of everything that anchors you to your past.

You must not only learn to forgive others, you must also learn to forgive yourself for your own mistakes. This will free you from the enormous weight that you have carried around on your shoulders.

It is important that you give yourself the opportunity to move forward, even if you look back now and then. But it is important that you only look back when it helps you to take a step further towards being happy.

Now is the time to let go!

female owl

Do you know what addiction is? It’s when we stick to someone because we’re afraid of being alone because of past trauma. At the same time, we suffer from a form of dependence on our past.

We should not allow ourselves to become dependent on our past. We must accept that we cannot change it. If we live and dwell in it, it keeps us from being the best version of ourselves. This makes us the kind of people who do not go anywhere or do anything with our lives.

We can not move on without letting go. Think of living in the past as being trapped in a rope, a rope that you tied and that you alone can let go of. And now it’s time to do it.

Look at your past with the eyes of an observer and learn from your mistakes and successes. Forgive those who have hurt you. Focus on your present and what you want to change. It is very important that you take the initiative.


Do not live in the past

Everyone has to go back to their past at some point. The most important thing is not to stay there forever, because reality is here and now. We live in the present where we are constantly marching forward towards the future.

Do not let yourself live in the past. It is behind you and it contains many things you do not like. Today you can change all this and put it behind you. The present gives you the opportunity to change what you want.

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