Five Thoughts For Women Who Do Everything For Others

There are many women and men who want to do everything and have everything under control. As a result, they do not take care of themselves to the point where they become overwhelmed.
Five thoughts for women who do everything for others

It is women who do everything for others: the  children they raise, the family members who depend on them, the relationships they give everything, and sometimes, too many things.

We all know someone like this. There are also men who display these selfless, dedicated characteristics  of each member of their social circle. But as you already know, this type of personality is more common in women.

There are millions of women who do a lot and get little. These people give everything while not taking care of themselves. But many do not realize how this can affect them in the long run.

Everything has a limit. Sooner or later, this investment will become an emotional and psychological burden. Even if your mind says “push forward”, your body reaches the limit and becomes ill. Your body is suffering.

If you are like this, if you find yourself about to be overwhelmed and feel constant mood swings, force yourself to rest.

Calm down the pace of your life and reflect on these five questions. They will be a great help to you.

Women who do everything for others

1. How long has it been since you had peace and quiet?

beautiful night

Silence is healthy for your brain. There is also peace of mind.

Take a daily “bath” of silence and solitude. This will help you get a head start. In addition, it also helps you to get in touch with yourself.

Some women are used to spending most of the day taking care of others. This means caring for dependent relatives, caring for children, caring for parents, etc. Overall, these women do not take advantage of the intimate, peaceful, and peaceful moments we all need when we are suffering from stress.

In other words, many people are used to high activity levels and job pressures. They see silence and loneliness as something strange and unnecessary.

In this case, it is almost necessary for you to set aside an hour for silence. It has immediate benefits.

2. Do you have meaningful conversations?

Meaningful conversations are those we have with people who are able to hear and understand us. These people include friends and family who have an emotional and cognitive contact with you.

At the same time, this type of conversation is the type that allows you to release your worries. These conversations give you the opportunity to dive deeper into certain aspects of your daily life so that you can gain a new perspective.

In a fast-paced world with great pressure, meaningful conversations are losing their value.

Take care of them. Encourage face-to-face meetings to talk about anything and everything. Encourage meetings where you take care of your feelings and you really get in touch with each other.

3. Even if you think you can do everything, you can not do it. You have the right to complain.

leaves float on water

No, it’s not 30 hours a day and no, you can not give everything to everyone 90% of the time. Saying “I can do anything” and “I need to do everything they expect of me” will sooner or later not get you anywhere.

But you probably do not know how to say “I can not”. Despite this , it is necessary and healthy for you to start saying one of the following sentences out loud:

  • I’m overwhelmed today. I can not help you.
  • No, I do not think I will be able to help you in a few days. I need some time for myself.
  • No, I have decided that I can not do what you ask me to do. It overwhelms me.
  • I do not feel well and I need to take more care of myself.

4. Feel proud of yourself and value yourself every day.

People who are used to doing everything for others do not feel recognized. Little by little, people around this type of woman assume that she will always be there. She is there to help, support, strengthen, be a helping hand and take care of everything.

But if others fail to notice all the good things you do, they have to do it themselves. There is nothing wrong with appreciating yourself or loving yourself. It’s OK to feel proud of every good thing you do, and to be your own daily support.

5. Learn to take care of yourself.

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If there is one thing you know all about, it is to take care of others. They control your time, emotions, care, attention and energy.

What if you start giving yourself a little more?

  • Dedicate time to yourself.
  • Buy yourself a gift. Give yourself something you like.
  • Do something you enjoy every day.
  • Travel.
  • Take care of your body image.
  • Make friends who make you laugh.

Do not wait to think about these ideas. Make a change in your life if you realize you need it.

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