Five Habits For Good Mental Health

Many of us have adopted some habits without realizing how harmful they can be to our mental health. In today’s article you can learn more about them and how to avoid them.
Five habits for good mental health

Today we want to talk about some habits you should avoid and some you should start with to maintain good mental health.

Like any engine, our brain needs maintenance – and so does the rest of our body. Maintaining good mental health is essential. It is because of this that  October 10 is now “World Mental Health Day” .

We do not realize how important our mental health is until we color it. Have you ever wondered or calculated how much time you spend taking care of your psyche?

Why should we maintain good mental health?

Meditation on the beach and good mental health

Our mental state  is equal to or even more important than our physical state. Therefore, it is paradoxical that we often go to the doctor for medical illnesses, but refuse to get psychological or psychiatric help when our emotions overwhelm us.

Mental health is not something you can see with the naked eye. After all, what we often feel is subjective symptoms. Therefore, we are largely unconcerned about it, and we do not even try to get medical help. Precisely because of this, it may be that we incubate an discomfort for so long that it becomes a disorder.

This is why it is so incredibly important to take good care of your mental health and to get help if you think you need it. In a perfect world, all of us would go to the psychologist for a checkup as often as we go to the doctor

With that said, let’s take a look at some habits you can implement today to take better care of your mental health.

Habits for good mental health

1. Have breakfast

How often have you heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? Still, there are many who are  not able to get used to eating breakfast. Unfortunately, this is very unhealthy, as our blood sugar drops if we skip this meal. Do you know what happens in these cases?

First and foremost, we compromise our organs because they do not know when they will get sugar next time. Thus , they generate an insufficient amount of nutrients to the brain, which are slowly broken down. Furthermore, you will have lower intellectual performance felt the day.

Believe it or not, these drops in blood sugar can even cause symptoms of anxiety and depression.

2. Get enough sleep

Your body cannot regenerate itself without getting enough sleep. Many people go to bed too late or are not allowed to sleep due to stress. When this becomes a habit, your cognitive functions are significantly affected. Lack of sleep can lead to stress, depression, mood swings and – in the long run – stroke, among other problems associated with the mind.

Remember that you must sleep for at least 8 hours on average to maintain good mental health.

3. Do not smoke if you want good mental health

Woman smokes
Quitting smoking will promote better health in all body systems, in addition to improving your mental health.

Health professionals who treat people with psychiatric problems often overlook their patients’ smoking habits. This is because they assume that it helps them deal with depression, anxiety or substance abuse problems.

However, research from the University of Washington shows that people who struggle with mood or addiction problems can quit smoking in a healthy way, and furthermore, quitting this habit is linked to better mental health.

Get enough exercise

“Although the impact of physical exercise on our mental health is still being studied, exercise works with the central nervous system by stabilizing proteins and avoiding diseases  caused by the breakdown of these substances’ balance,” said Miguel del Valle, professor at the University of Oviedo and delegate to the Rectorate for Sports. and Health .

Furthermore, moving is not only good for the body – your brain will also thank you. This is because better blood circulation promotes a healthier mind. Physical activity also helps  reduce stress and put your mind to rest.

5. Do not use electronic devices too often

Woman looking at cell phone
Excessive use of digital screens has been linked to problems such as insomnia and higher levels of stress and anxiety.

These days, most of the social we participate in takes place on the Internet. Thus, the speed of our life focuses on these electronic devices where we get access to social networks and the like.

The constant use of technology, especially smartphones, prevents us from living in the present. It also leads to vision problems, stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Now you know of some everyday habits that you should implement to promote better mental health. Remember: you can  improve your quality of life and enjoy good mental health even just by making a few small changes.

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