Five Essential Oils And Their Benefits

To take full advantage of essential oils, make sure that they are organic and not synthetic, since the latter may lack beneficial properties.
Five essential oils and their benefits

There are many essential oils that offer a variety of health benefits. These days, many people use essential oils and their benefits in many different ways. Because of this we will give you some information on how they can be used.

By looking at some of these essential oils and their properties, you can take advantage of their properties during baths, massages or other routines. It is amazing that they can be used in many ways !

Essential oils and their benefits

Below you can learn about some essential oils and their benefits. This article focuses not on their cosmetic intentions, but on how they can  improve your physical and mental health.

1. Basil


These days, many people suffer from stress, mental exhaustion, anxiety, and have several concerns that affect their mental health. Basil is an essential oil that can help your overall well-being.

  • Basil helps relieve headaches that come from stress and anxiety.
  • At the same time, it is also a powerful remedy for dealing with migraines.

Put some essential oil on a compress and put it on the forehead for a few minutes to get rid of any discomfort. Other types of essential oils that can also help with stress are cedar and lavender.

2. Anise seeds

Essential anise seed oil is highly recommended for people with a lot of gas. Instead of using medicine, apply this essential oil on the exposed area. Just as it helps with gas and abdominal pain, it  can also help women who are menstruating. This essential oil relieves menstrual cramps and discomfort.

3. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus soaked in warm water is an ancient remedy  for dissolving in your nose when you are sick or have the flu. Today it is still very effective.

How do you use it?

  • Use this essential oil by  boiling water in a large saucepan with a few drops of essential eucalyptus oil.
  • After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat or turn off the heat. Then place a towel over your head and hold your head over the kettle and inhale the hot steam coming from the kettle. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  • It is recommended to use this method for five to ten minutes. Steam with eucalyptus eases tightness in the nose and allows you to breathe easier.

Thyme is another essential oil that can be used for the same purpose .

4. Mint

Mint is another essential oil that can be helpful for your mental well-being. Many people have obsessions or troublesome thoughts, which produce anxiety and can prevent them from enjoying daily life.

Taking a relaxing bath with essential mint oil  will help you calm your mind and clear your head. This can be helpful when you are having a bad day and are not able to process things clearly.

5. Jasmine

Jasmine oil

Essential jasmine oil is considered an aphrodisiac. This is why it is often recommended to give your partner a massage. It is a wonderful alternative to buying massage oil. What’s more, jasmine also acts as a stimulant and improves your mood. It can be helpful when you lack motivation, or feel tired or below.

Essential oils have no contraindications

The good thing about essential oils and their benefits is that they have no side effects. They only bring out positive things. They are harmless even when you do not notice their benefits. You can enjoy the benefits of essential oils through diffusers, which have become quite popular. However, as mentioned above, they can also be applied directly to your skin.

For example, if you have a headache, you can even apply it and massage some essential oil into your hair (a type that is specially made for that purpose). Regardless, if you prefer, you can also apply a little on your forehead. In both ways you will have the same effect. Have you used essential oils and benefited from them? How was your experience?

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