Energy Purification – 5 Tips For Doing This At Home

Doing an energy cleansing in your home contributes to a mental and emotional balance. Plants and incense are ideal for eliminating bad vibes in your house.
Energy purification - 5 tips to do this at home

Are you wondering how to perform an energy purification in your home?

We have all phases in life where nothing goes our way, whether it is financial difficulties or problems in working life, too much stress, health or love problems.

It happens to all of us. No one has only good days, good months or years, but you can equip yourself with good energy.

The most ideal would of course be to be able to strengthen our soul and our courage and confront every event with complete calm.

If, on the other hand, you are a sensitive and sensitive person who can easily feel the energy of places, objects and people, we recommend that you perform an energy purification.

An energy cleansing can give you a state of mental and emotional balance. Just as we need to protect our aura from bad energy, we must also clean up the energy in our home.

After all, the home is the temple where we can relieve all emotions and thoughts from day to day and therefore we have to clean it often.

Today we show you some of the most used tricks to do an energy purification in your home:

1. Water and vinegar

water and vinegar

Vinegar is used to eliminate loads of negative energy. 

Walk across all corners of the house with a mop of water and vinegar. Start from the inside of the house and out; finish with the front door and pay special attention to the corners and the most hidden nooks and crannies.

2. Incense


You may have seen as a child how parents and grandparents burned incense at home on special holidays.

Burning incense involves burning specific plants that help cleanse the home of bad vibrations.

The best thing about incense is that the effect is immediate, so if you feel the need for it, it can be done once a month. With incense, your home will be filled with harmony and peace.

There are a number of different types of incense that you can choose from that best suit your needs. Different types of incense have different benefits, including; new spark in romance , clarify ideas, improve sleep or avoid conflicts.

3. Protect your home with plants


In addition to cleansing the environment, having plants in the home has many benefits for your mental and emotional health.

For this purpose, it is strongly recommended to have a shrub from the genus Kuter as it is known to clean the aura and help change bad karma. We recommend having two pots and placing them at each end; a shrub with small leaves to the right and to the left one with thicker leaves and stems.

4. Energy purification using fire


Fire is one of the most widely used elements on the spiritual plane, thanks in large part to its ability to purify.

Perform rituals using candles, preferably handmade with natural ingredients. Each color has its own characteristic, so ask in a specialty store what suits your needs.

Before performing the ritual, rub the candle in olive oil to neutralize and cleanse it. If the purpose of this ritual is to attract something into your life, rub the oil from top to bottom and stop in the middle, then take it from the bottom and stop in the middle.

If, on the other hand, you want to remove yourself from something, rub the oil on the candle from the center upwards and afterwards from the middle downwards.

After neutralizing the light,  focus on what you want to attract or remove from. Write down your wishes and purposes on a piece of paper. Emphasize that you give the power to the candle so that it gives you what you want.

Also pray the light that it fills your home with good vibes, love, peace and a lot of harmony. Light the candle with a match and go through each of the rooms in the house and repeat your wishes while walking.

After you finish the hike, let the light burn down completely.

5. Open windows and doors

fresh air

Let light and air enter your home. 

Open windows and doors for at least a few minutes a day. Perform this ritual daily, preferably early in the day.

With this you will encourage your house to be filled with light and clean air. It is important to note that an energy cleansing is not something that is done on a Saturday and lasts a lifetime.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a routine where one washes and cleanses the home of bad energies.

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