Eight Great Benefits Of Children Drawing

Do you know about the many benefits of having children draw? We will show you them here.
Eight great benefits of children drawing

There are many benefits to having children draw. After all, it is an ideal way to develop motor and mental skills. It also strengthens their exploratory, mental and emotional development.

Unlike adults, children do not worry about what others think. They have no prejudices against their drawings, and they have no emotional or mental barriers when drawing.

A child can create magic with the help of some pencils, crayons and paper. Sometimes they just scribble. Other times, you realize how much potential they have when they show off their strange pieces of art.

In this article, we will take a look at the many wonderful benefits of having children draw.

When children draw: Small strokes of the pen, great benefits

It may seem like scribbles, but drawing children brings great benefits.
Fostering creativity is one of the biggest benefits of children drawing.

Drawing allows children to strengthen both the rational left side of their brain, and the emotional and creative traits that correspond to the right side. In addition, they also like to do it. As with toys and games, the child feels the pleasure of the movement that the drawing requires.

Drawing is a great skill that we should encourage in children from the moment they can hold a crayon. Here are some of the many benefits of having children draw.

1. Imagination and creativity are encouraged when children draw

Children are not always aware that words are written with specific symbols on paper. That is why they are often fascinated when they look at books full of colors and drawings – that is the language they understand.

When your child starts drawing, it stimulates their imagination. By scribbling lines on a piece of paper, they begin to symbolize characters and objects that they choose from their surroundings. They also start talking about what they do and why they do it.

Children use their drawings as a support for fantastic and incredible stories that come from their own imagination.

Take the opportunity to explore your child’s world. Ask them to show their drawings. You will be amazed at their boldness and ingenuity.

2. It helps to develop brain-hand-eye coordination

When children draw, it is not just drawing skills they develop.

A child’s first stroke of the pen may not make much sense to us. This is because the child does not have coordination between the brain, eyes and hands. Therefore, their drawings will lack order and meaning and will extend beyond the boundaries of the paper.

Let the children hold the pen as they wish. After all, they are still experimenting. They may press hard with their hand and make lines by moving their arms and shoulders. Sometimes they can move their whole body as if they were dancing with the pen.

Little by little, the child perfects his drawing techniques. They begin to discover that the movements they make are related to the lines they get on the sheet.

Therefore, drawing is great for developing fine motor skills, as it involves moving each leg in the fingers. This will facilitate their ability to write later.

3. It is a way of measuring a child’s growth

Fine motor skills are trained by drawing.
The type of pen stroke shows different stages the child goes through.

There are milestones when it comes to drawing; they are similar to the stages of child development. 

  1. In the beginning, they are always chaotic and the child apparently has no control over their pen strokes. 
  2. Then, after about 18 months, their coats are clearer. This lasts until the age of three to four.
  3. They then begin to make pre-schematic drawings until the age of six. This is the stage where line figures appear (a circle representing the head and two vertical lines for the legs).

4. Concentration and careful observations are stimulated when children draw

Among many other benefits of children drawing, you also have the incentive to concentrate and persevere. This is where drawing helps them organize their ideas and perceptions about the environment around them. After all, children draw mainly what they know.

Drawing stimulates the child’s ability to observe. The brain works harder in this process to try to abstract reality on a piece of paper. Furthermore , this exercise promotes the development of visual perception and abstract thinking. 

5. It encourages emotional intelligence

Coloring and painting promote emotional intelligence in children, as it teaches them to identify emotions and later express them on paper using colors.

Among the benefits of children drawing, it is this that promotes their mental health the most. This activity relaxes them and helps them forget the complicated situations they perceive around them. It allows them to do something fun and have fun.

When children begin to master graphic design , they mature mentally, emotionally and physically. It definitely contributes to the development of their personality.

6. It strengthens their self-esteem

Drawing, painting and coloring all strengthen a child’s self-esteem. Children will stand out for their artistic prowess. It gives them joy and satisfaction. They feel they are doing something important.

When a child shows you a drawing, they do it proudly. For them, it is historical, and it is also for their development. It is important to encourage and applaud the creative work of the child.

Show interest in what they can do . Drawing is one of the first forms of communication and expression. They are exploring a whole new language.

Pay attention to what they say through their drawings. You will be amazed at how much you can learn about your child as you learn to understand the work behind their artwork.

7. It develops sensitivity

A little boy draws.
Children show their feelings through drawings.

Through art , children build bridges between their emotions and their knowledge. Therefore, one of the benefits of drawing is that your child modifies the world around him or her, and his or her experiences are captured as a picture on a piece of paper.

Drawing also gives the child the opportunity to create, recreate and develop his sensitivity. In the same way, thanks to the expressive ability of each stroke of the pen, the child will be willing to learn.

8. It brings the family together

As if all that was not enough, drawing also strengthens family ties. Drawing with their parents or siblings is also a way to stimulate affection and attachment.

Take advantage of every opportunity you have to draw with your child. They will be happy to have their mother, father and everyone else they like with them!

To reinforce the benefits of children drawing

Despite the many benefits of having children draw, be sure to never force your child to draw if that is not what they want to do. You can try to get them interested in it. But do it without forcing it on them. Also respect their pace.

Drawing is an activity that the child should fully enjoy. Let them choose their own colors and designs, according to what they want to explore.

In addition , you should give them space and creative freedom. Then have them explain what they are doing. In addition to listening to their innate philosophical explanations, you will also stimulate their development of language.

Finally, you should always praise the child for the efforts they have made. Then they will see how their self-confidence grows and how they strengthen their creative abilities.

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