Do You Suffer From Constipation? Here Are Three Foods That Can Help

If you suffer from frequent constipation, it is important to include nutrients with a laxative effect in your diet, as well as to increase the amount of water you drink.
Do you suffer from constipation?  Here are three foods that can help

Do you suffer from constipation? Do you sometimes go for long periods without going to the bathroom? If so, this article is for you! We will provide you with information on certain foods that you can include in your diet to help you fight constipation.

Norwegian Health Informatics (NHI) defines constipation as slow, hard or rare stools. Furthermore, they also mention that even though it can take several days between toilet visits, it is whether you experience discomfort or problems with the stool that determines whether there is constipation.

When you have constipation, the stool can tend to be dry and hard, which can cause pain when passing the stool. Most of us have experienced constipation at some point in our lives. In many cases, the constipation will only last for a short period of time and is not considered severe.

So, it is not necessary to empty the bowel every day. However, it is important to contact our doctor if we observe drastic changes in our bowel habits.

What can I do if I suffer from constipation?

First of all, people who often experience constipation should exercise regularly. There does not have to be intense weightlifting or extreme cardio – walking, swimming, cycling or other forms of light physical activity three to four times a week will suffice.

They should also make sure to stay hydrated, and make sure they are getting the recommended amount of daily fiber.

In addition to this, if you feel the need to go to the bathroom, do not wait. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Waiting with the toilet visit will only affect your condition in a negative way.

You can also train your bowel to have more regular and frequent bowel movements.

How do you do it?

It is easy!

Try to plan a time to go to the bathroom every day. Try your best to make it at the same time every day.

Three foods with laxative effects

If you suffer from constipation, you may experience discomfort.

Fortunately, there are several foods with laxative effects. They can help you empty your bowels both better and easier. This is where foods high in fiber are the star. Fiber will be a good ally in the fight against constipation.

Because of this, it is very important that you eat fiber. This will help normalize bowel movements and help it move more easily through the bowel. However, you need to incorporate fiber into your diet little by little. Otherwise, you may experience a lot of gas and bloating from abruptly including much of it.

You should consult your doctor or health care professional about the recommended amount of fiber you should get on a daily basis. Both gender and age will affect the amount of daily fiber intake.

Below you will find information about three different foods that have a natural laxative effect. Including these foods in your daily diet can help you fight constipation.

1. Apples

Apples are known to be packed with nutrients and properties that help us stay healthy and well. They have a high content of pectin, which turns into a kind of jelly when it comes in contact with water.

This is beneficial to the health of your gut in two ways:

  • First, the pectin will absorb water, so for those suffering from diarrhea, this will be of great help.
  • On the other hand, this pectin gel also acts as a lubricant for the digestive tract. This helps the chymus (smooth, semi-liquid masses of partially digested food in the stomach) to pass more easily through the intestine.

2. Plums

Plums are one of the foods best known for their laxative properties.

They are a good source of sorbitol. Bacteria in the microbiota assimilate and transform this sugar alcohol. This attracts water to the chymus, which helps digested food to move properly through the intestine. This is the reason for the laxative effects of the plum.

3. Oranges

Oranges can also help if you suffer from constipation.

In the case of oranges, their laxative effect lies in a characteristic element of this fruit.

According to some studies, flavonoids in oranges are responsible for stimulating the secretion of chloride in the epithelium of the colon. This creates osmotic pressure, which helps with the excretion of fluids, and in that way it can help us relieve constipation.

Other laxatives for relieving constipation

Flaxseed, raisins, various berries, peaches, kiwis and dried apricots also have laxative effects. Similarly, pasta, pancakes, bread and biscuits prepared with whole grains or another grain rich in fiber, can also be useful in the fight against constipation.

There are also vegetables that will help you if you have problems with bowel movements. For example, broccoli, asparagus, pumpkin and peeled potatoes will all aid digestion. Salads prepared with spinach, lettuce, and cabbage are also beneficial.

Finally, legumes such as beans, white beans, chickpeas and lentils are also very useful. In addition, seeds, such as soy or chia seeds, and nuts such as walnuts, peanuts and almonds will also provide a good dose of fiber to your diet.

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