Do You Know How To Stop Nosebleeds?

If nosebleeds are not caused by any type of stroke or injury, you can stop it quickly. Keep reading to find some useful preparations to stop it.
Do you know how to stop nosebleeds?

Often people do not know how to stop nosebleeds. In fact, many people do not even know about home remedies or techniques that can help them.

Therefore, in this article we will give you several strategies to help when your nose is bleeding, whether you are at home, at work or out and about.

Why does nosebleeds happen?

Stop nosebleeds with cotton.

When the nose bleeds, it may be due to several things. However, it is always because blood vessels in the nostrils rupture. This type of bleeding is very common since the veins are more sensitive in this area.

In most cases, bloody noses do not pose a significant health risk. However, this is only true as long as it does not bleed much and it was not caused by an accident.

Therefore, the main causes of nosebleeds are:

  • Cold or dry air that irritates the skin and damages the blood vessels
  • Irritation caused by allergy or cold
  • Sinus problems
  • Brushing your nose too hard causes a rupture in the nostrils
  • Sores, objects stuck in the nose, to prick your nose
  • Odorless chemicals or very irritating products
  • Excessive use of mucosal decongestant spray
  • Deviations in the septum or broken nose

Preparations to stop nosebleeds

It is very important to prevent nosebleeds by avoiding situations that can cause them. For example, keep your environment airy, do not abuse certain substances, and do not blow your nose too hard.

That said, here is the basic protocol for stopping nosebleeds quickly:

  1. When your nose starts to bleed, as long as it was not caused by an accident or a stroke, you should first sit up straight.
  2. Then hold the lower part of the nose (the soft part) with your index finger and thumb.
  3. Breathe slowly through your mouth and keep your head upright for a few minutes until the bleeding stops.

There are also some other remedies and home remedies that can help you:

Cold wraps to stop nosebleeds

Immerse a cloth in water, as cold as possible. In addition, you can also use ice cubes. Then put it on your nose and forehead.

In this way, the nervous system responds by contracting the blood vessels. You can also press the cloth on the soft part of the nose to get the same effect.

Another remedy to stop nosebleeds is to put an ice cube in your mouth. This way, the blood vessels will contract faster and stop the blood flow to your nose.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Thanks to the astringent power of apple cider vinegar, you can repair the walls of the blood vessels that were damaged and began to bleed. It is a very effective and natural remedy.

  • Dip a cotton swab into water and insert it into your nostril very carefully.
  • Do not put any pressure on the cloth, just leave it there for five minutes. However, you can repeat the procedure again if you continue to bleed.

Onions to stop nosebleeds

To stop nosebleeds, this tip can be very helpful. The steam from boiled onions can stop bleeding.


  • 1 onion
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)


  • It’s as simple as cutting an onion in half and boiling it in half a liter of water. Sit in front of the pot. Then breathe in slowly for a few minutes.
  • Another option is to cut the onion into slices and keep it as close as possible to your nose.
  • In addition, you can squeeze the juice and apply a few drops at the edge of the nostril.

4. Lemons

Lemons are perfect with their many properties to heal small wounds and prevent infections. If you bleed because something is trapped in your nose, lemons can seal the damaged blood vessels.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cotton ball


You can stop nosebleeds with lemons.
  • Squeeze a lemon and let a cotton ball soak up the juice.
  • Then place it inside the bleeding nostril, without applying pressure.
  • It will probably sting a little. Do not remove it until 20 minutes have elapsed.

5. Cayenne pepper to stop nosebleeds

This natural remedy is great for stopping nosebleeds in seconds. However, be careful with the amount of cayenne pepper because it is very strong and can irritate your nose.


  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Put cayenne pepper in a cup of warm water.
  • Then drink it as a tea.
  • Alternatively, dip a cotton swab in the liquid and insert it into the nostril for a few minutes.

6. Saline to stop nosebleeds

Believe it or not, you can buy salt water at the pharmacy or make it at home.


  • 1 handful of coarse salt
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Add a handful of coarse salt to a cup of warm water and mix well.
  • With a dropper, drop a few drops in your nose while it is bleeding. In a few minutes it will stop the bleeding because the salt water helps to make a scrub.

7. Nasal tea to stop nosebleeds

Nettle is a plant with many medicinal properties. Therefore, we recommend that you always have this herb at home.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons dried nettle (45 g)


  • Add dried nettle to a cup of boiling water and let it soak.
  • After letting it soak for three minutes, filter out the nettle. Then let a cotton swab soak up the liquid and place it inside the affected nostril.

However, remember that if your nosebleeds do not stop with these home remedies and continue for several minutes, talk to your doctor. A specialist can help you find the cause of the bleeding. They can also do this if you have frequent nosebleeds.

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