Discover The Use Of The Magic Sponge

If you were told that there is one thing that is capable of removing almost any kind of dirt or grime, would you want it? If you do not already have one, you will want to get yourself a magic sponge after reading this article!
Discover the use of the magic sponge

The magic sponge is a white sponge made from melamine that is able to clean stains that are difficult to remove with other cleaning products, such as water, soap and even chlorine.

However, this product has some specific features that you should know about before using it. Therefore, in today’s article we will tell you about the different uses of the magic sponge and how you should use it.

This is an abrasive cleaner. Thus, it works through friction. Therefore, it is able to clean surfaces that other products do not.

In fact, its function is similar to sandpaper, only much more subtle. It is not recommended to use it on delicate objects or use it every day, because it can wear on the materials too much.

Although the safety of melamine has been questioned, it is generally an approved material for human use. Side effects are mainly found in objects that are microwave. In this regard, agencies like Safe Work Australia have said that  the magic sponge is safe and has no side effects.

12 uses for the magic sponge

This sponge has several uses. There is a reason why it is known as magic. Although it is tempting to use it on all surfaces after trying it, it is best to test it carefully and experiment where it works best.

The Procter and Gamble company also points out that although it has no side effects, it should not be used on the skin and should not be kept out of the reach of children or pets who may ingest it.

Now it’s time to discover 12 uses of the magic sponge that have been proven for effectiveness.

1. Remove stains from the walls

If you have children with artistic qualities, you have probably had to deal with the cleaning of crayons on the walls. The magic sponge is a great ally in these cases.

They also help remove dirt stains on walls, such as dirty hand marks, grease, makeup or shoe prints. However, this should only be done on white walls because it can remove the color on dark walls.

A person using a sponge to clean a drawing of a wall.
Young children tend to scribble on walls with crayon decorations. Here you can use the magic sponge.

2. Stain remover on coffee cups

Over time, the cups we use to drink tea or coffee become stained on the bottom and around the inside. With soap and a regular sponge, it is almost impossible to get rid of these marks.

By rubbing with the magic sponge, however, it is possible to remove them and leave them as if they were new. However, it is advisable to wash them very well after the process to remove any remaining particles.

Make your bike shine

Bicycles are a useful and popular means of transport, an object of entertainment or a way of doing sports. However, they get easily dirty when cycling in terrain, cycling on rural routes or if you leave them outdoors.

In addition, with frequent use, they deteriorate and lose their luster. However, occasional maintenance with the magic sponge can restore the shine.

4. Make tennis shoes as good as new

If you have ever owned a Converse-style or rubber sneaker, you know how difficult it is to keep them white and clean. However, the magic sponge allows you to remove the difficult stains and make your sneakers as good as new. All you have to do is moisten the sponge a little and rub the rubber well. However, do not use it on leather shoes.

5. Make taps shiny with the magic sponge

Cranes tend to lose their luster over time. In addition, it is common for taps to become full of lime. This gives an ugly look to areas with hand washing, laundry and dishes.

However, the magic sponge can be used to remove lime or dirt and restore the shine of the taps. This is especially useful on old faucets, given the abrasive effect of the magic sponge.

6. To clean glass

Over the years, glass and mirrors become full of stains that are difficult to remove. If you have already tried all the tricks for glass cleaning without success, the magic sponge will definitely work.

However, keep in mind that it removes a thin layer of glass or mirror. Therefore, you should use it with caution.

7. Remove stains from the floor

Floors, especially light ones, tend to stain with age and use. Especially in areas like the kitchen, where you wash up and prepare different foods.

In addition, joints become gray or yellowish. With the magic sponge it is possible to remove these stains and make the grout white again.

8. Remove stains of enamel or dye with the magic sponge

It is common to have unfortunate accidents with hair dye or nail polish. These products stain clothes, floors or bathroom furniture.

The problem is when we do not notice it until several hours later, and acetone is no longer as effective or can even cause damage. With the magic sponge you can easily remove these stains.

9. Remove rust from metals with the magic sponge

Metals can rust with moisture and over time. This rust is often very difficult to remove.

But by rubbing with the magic sponge, it is possible to remove rust and give metal new life. The advantage is that it is very easy to handle, and it can be easily adapted to go over small areas.

10. Remove bird droppings

Birds leave dirt everywhere, whether it’s your garden, your car or the windows of your home. The problem is when this stool dries out and is difficult to remove.

By rubbing this sponge over the spot a few times, it is possible to clean excrement from surfaces. You need to discard this sponge afterwards or just use it for this purpose.

11. Cleaning white leather furniture with the magic sponge

If your white leather furniture has a stain that you have not been able to remove with another method, you can choose to use the magic sponge. However, be very careful not to strain the fabric too much.

12. Decorate outdoor furniture

Furniture used for patios and porches gets dirty from being exposed to the environment, sun and rain. This sponge is a tool you can use to perform periodic maintenance so that they do not deteriorate as quickly.

Water flowing from a tap.
Cranes tend to accumulate lime, giving them a rusty and aged appearance. With the magic sponge this is solved.

How do I use the magic sponge?

This sponge is very easy to use because it does not require any other product. Sometimes you need some water to make it work better on the surface, as is the case with walls.

Otherwise, just rub against the surface you want to clean. The intensity of the friction will depend on the type of stain. This sponge does not last for many uses. However, it is cheap and you can have more around the house.

The first step you must follow when using the magic sponge is to perform a small test on the surface you want to clean. Since the effect is similar to that of fine sandpaper, it can damage surfaces, so it is better to be careful. Those who are most likely to suffer damage are those with shiny surfaces.

Use the magic sponge with caution

As you have read in this article, there are several uses for this sponge. As it is abrasive and removes a small layer of the surface, it is important to use it with care.

We do not recommend using it on the screens of electronic devices, such as computers, TVs or mobile phones. Also avoid using it on the keys on the computer, as the numbers and letters will fade.

At the same time, do not use it to wipe Teflon pans. Avoid trying to use it to polish jewelry, as it can cause damage.

Finally, although some people often use it to fix scratches on cars, you should also be careful when doing so and not cause worse damage.

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