Discover An Incredible Facial Massage Performed With A Spoon

Although it is important to be consistent with this facial massage, the results will depend on the skin type, so therefore some will notice changes before others.
Discover an incredible facial massage performed with a spoon

Many women are looking for ways to delay the onset of the signs of aging. Although it is a biological process that everyone must go through, there is a desire to avoid it and to have a younger look longer. For everyone’s peace of mind, it has been shown that there are certain habits and treatments that help preserve the skin’s elasticity and increase the production of substances that the skin is made of. Try an incredible facial massage performed with a spoon!

Using  sunscreen, having a diet rich in antioxidants, and a good beauty routine are some of the factors that will keep your skin in good condition. In addition to that, you can consider some facial products and techniques that will help you maintain firmness and a youthful appearance.

The earlier you start practicing this type of facial massage as a routine. The more likely you are to be able to prevent wrinkles, pimples and bumps.

We know that many people can not afford professional procedures, so today we want to share a cheap method that is easy to perform to rejuvenate your skin.

This is a facial massage performed with a spoon, which focuses on treating certain parts of the face to prevent early signs of aging. This practice, recommended by German makeup artist René Koch, has already become part of the beauty routine for thousands of women around the world. Find out more!

What are the benefits of facial massage performed with a spoon?

woman with spoon

Facial massage performed with a spoon is a natural therapy to restore firmness to the skin and make it glow. The biggest advantage is that you can do it at home and it requires no investment.

Among the many benefits of this treatment, we find:

  • Removal of retained fluid in the tissues
  • Reduction of dark circles and bags under the eyes
  • Elimination of toxins
  • Stimulation of circulation
  • Greater elasticity and firmness in the face
  • Prevention and reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Restoration of facial structure
  • Reduced inflammation

How do you perform this form massage?

woman in the mirror

The facial massage performed with a spoon is very easy to perform and usually takes no more than 10 minutes a day. The earliest results will be seen after about 12 days of regular use, but this depends on your skin type.

You will need

  • Two spoons
  • Isopropanol (as much as needed)
  • One cup of cold water (200 ml)
  • Isbiter
  • One cup of olive oil (224 g)

Here’s how to do it

  • Disinfect the spoons in a little isopropanol and soak them in a glass of water with ice.
  • While in the water for a few minutes, remove any makeup from the face. Be sure to remove all traces of cosmetic products.
  • Once the spoons have cooled, place them on the upper eyelids and hold them there for about 15 seconds.
  • Cool the spoons again and repeat this step five times.
  • Repeat the same process with the lower eyelids to treat swollen eyes and dark circles.

After completing this first part of the massage, place the spoons in a container of warm olive oil, at a temperature that is comfortable for your skin.

Leave them in the oil for a few seconds, and continue massaging the main lines of your face:

  • From the top of the nose to the temples and hairline
  • Circular movements along the eyelids, from the inner corner to the outer corner
  • Above the cheeks, on your T-zone and along each side of the nose
  • From the chin upwards
  • From the base of the neck to the chin

Tips for facial massage performed with a spoon

facial skin

Repeat these movements with the spoons between 5 and 10 times per area. Keep the spoons well lubricated for the best effects. After the treatment, wait for 5 minutes and rinse the skin with warm water.

Ideally, you should spend between 1 and 2 minutes massaging each area we have mentioned. However, you can spend less time on it to begin with, and gradually increase later.

This facial massage can be performed at any time of the day, every day. For best results, however, we recommend that you perform it just before going to bed. It is important to remember that the benefits will vary from skin type to skin type, age and daily habits. This is why some people may want to see results in a few days, while it may take a little longer for others.

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