Detox Your Armpits And Prevent Breast Cancer

Because commercially available deodorants contain chemicals that can be harmful, detoxification is essential to prevent breast cancer and get rid of toxins.
Detox your armpits and prevent breast cancer

The use of deodorants and antiperspirants in the armpits is part of the personal hygiene routine for most people.

The use is intended to reduce excessive sweating and slow down bacterial growth that can lead to bad body odor.

What many people do not know, however, is that some of them contain toxic substances that can break the skin barrier and lead to serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.

If this information sounds alarming, you should know that several studies have found that components such as parabens, phthalates and aluminum can cause breast cancer when used topically.

This is because they interfere with the body’s activities that regulate hormones, causing an imbalance in estrogen levels.

This is exacerbated by the fact that they can also clog the pores in the armpits and prevent toxins in the body from escaping.

This is why many detox methods using natural ingredients have been tested for some time now. These  facilitate the removal of bacteria and the build-up of chemical residues.

These detox treatments are easy to make at home and are a great choice to help you avoid the negative consequences of these commercial products and prevent breast cancer.

Why detoxify the armpits?

Detox the armpits

There are many sweat glands present in the armpit area that facilitate the release of sweat to regulate body temperature, remove toxins  and help you maintain fluid balance at the proper level.

Your natural pH does not smell anything, but it changes when bacteria begin to ferment or find the right environment to spread.

Due to this unpleasant odor, most people prefer to use chemicals that neutralize the odor and give a fresher feeling in this area.

The problem is that the ingredients remain on the skin and can be absorbed into the body.

In small quantities it will not cause a problem. But in the long run, these chemicals can build up and trigger the development of serious diseases.

This is why a detox can play an important role, so you can remove the substances that have built up and prevent breast cancer.

The ingredients you combine to make this detox treatment are non-toxic and have antibacterial properties that can be replaced in favor of the commercial hygiene products.

Although the idea here is to use them as a way to cleanse the toxins from your body, you can also use them to control odors and changes in your pH levels.

See also: Simple home methods for bleaching the armpits

How to detoxify your armpits and prevent breast cancer

Detox mask

Given the risks associated with high levels of toxins in the armpit area, it is worth following a few simple steps to detoxify this area and prevent breast cancer naturally.

These ingredients are easy to find in online stores or in health food stores. But you have to make sure that they are completely organic.

The first is apple cider vinegar, which contains natural acids that reduce the presence of bacteria, fungi and toxins.

In addition, there are some essential oils that hide odors while eliminating the microorganisms that cause it.

Furthermore, bentonite clay helps to remove dead skin cells. It also supports the other ingredients in the removal of the toxins that have built up.


  • 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 3 drops of essential oil of rosemary
  • 5 drops of essential oil of coriander
  • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay (10 g)

How to make it

  • Put apple cider vinegar in a glass bowl and mix in the bentonite clay.
  • When they are well mixed, put in the essential oils and mix until you have a cream.
  • Let it rest for a few hours before continuing to apply it.

How to use it

  • Wash your armpits well before applying this treatment to remove possible traces of commercial antiperspirants.
  • Spread a thin layer of the product over the armpit with a light circular massage.
  • Let it work for five minutes before rinsing with cold water.
  • Repeat this application every day for a period of two to three weeks.
  • Complement this treatment by increasing your water intake and by eating foods that contain antioxidants.

This method will not only reduce the presence of toxins in your armpit area, but will also eliminate bad odors and ugly, dark spots.

However, to prevent toxins from continuing to build up in this area, you should be careful when buying personal hygiene products.

If you read the labels carefully, you can identify more gentle compounds or formulas that are less harmful.

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