Cleanse Your Face With Natural Oils: Which Ones To Use And How To Use Them

Natural oils can be used on oily skin or combination skin. You just need to regulate their use to get the benefits for your skin type. Try them!
Cleanse your face with natural oils: which ones to use and how to use them

To get skin that looks radiant and perfect, you need to take care of your skin. One of the best beauty secrets that is often forgotten is to use natural oils to do just that.

These help you in several ways:

  • They moisturize your skin
  • They clean it deeply
  • They act as a natural makeup remover, and they are good for all skin types

Natural oils offer all the benefits you could want in a facial skin product. The best part is that they are a very affordable option and they are easy to use.

We know that many people are afraid that oils will increase how oily their skin is. However, you should know that this fear has no real basis. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, natural oils are not just for dry skin. They can also be used on combination and oily skin.

What natural oils should you use?

Woman cleanses face

It is very important to remember to use vegetable and essential oils (some essential oils must be mixed). These are the best to take care of your skin.

You also need to make sure that they are as natural as possible. There are commercial versions that have been overused. This significantly reduces the properties.

On the other hand, be careful to avoid mineral oils. This is because they are not good for adult skin.

Among natural oils, there is a large selection that you can enjoy. But the best for face care are:

  • Coconut
  • Olive
  • Ricinus

You can also enjoy the benefits of tea tree oil, almond oil, or even blend them.

How do you use them?

Based on the properties of each skin type, natural oils should be used in one way or another:

  • For dry skin. You can use them on a daily basis as a cleanser or makeup remover for moisture.
  • For normal and combination skin. You should not use oils more than 3 times per week.
  • Oily skin. You should only use this as part of your weekly cleaning or moisturizing routine.

You can also use natural oils as a treatment to get rid of very heavy makeup. Or you can use it as a moisturizer for your skin after sunbathing. To do this, you only need to apply a few drops of your favorite oil on a cotton cloth. Then clean the area carefully.

The properties of natural oils

All-natural oils moisturize and make your skin look better. But not everyone gives you the same benefits. These are the benefits you get from each one. Choose the one that best suits your needs:

1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has antibiotic properties that both prevent and fight skin infections. It helps preserve collagen and elastin. As a result, it prevents wrinkles. This is a good oil for sensitive skin. After all, the properties help prevent irritated and inflamed skin.

2. Olive oil

This helps your damaged skin tissue to repair itself quickly. Therefore  , it is recommended to get rid of crusts, marks and scars. At the same time you get moisture and vitamins.

This is a tool to combat premature skin aging. This is because it helps you increase the skin’s natural elasticity and gives it a smooth, firm appearance.

3. Castor oil

Castor oil as a makeup remover

This is perfect for increasing blood circulation. This helps to increase the elasticity of the skin. Plus:

  • It removes bags under your eyes
  • Stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes

A simple recipe for cleansing your skin

Below we will tell you how to remove makeup and clean your face during your evening routine. This uses natural oils that keep your skin in good condition.


  • 4 drops of almond oil
  • 2 drops of castor oil ( castor oil )


  • Cotton pad


  • Take a cotton pad and place the two almond drops on it.
  • Rub the cotton swab lightly all over your face with even, circular motions. Start with the forehead and go down to the cheekbone, cheeks, the edge of your lips, and other areas down to your neck.
  • Repeat the process again if necessary. Do this until you do not see any trace of makeup again.
  • Then clean your eyes: Take another cotton pad and have 2 drops of castor oil and 2 drops of almond oil on it.
  • Rub this on your eyelids until you see no trace of makeup. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
  • Finally, apply your favorite moisturizer.

Now you know the benefits of natural oils. You also know how they can satisfy your skin needs and how to use them according to your skin type. The only thing left is to add these oils to your regular beauty routine.

You will see that in a few weeks you will start to see results. Remember that it is best to get the most natural oils possible. Try them in specialized health food stores. Avoid grocery stores unless they have organic labels.

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