Chronic Low Back Pain: Causes And Treatments

We tend to link it to poor posture, but back pain has many other possible causes you should consider if you want to fix the problem before it gets worse.
Chronic low back pain: causes and treatments

Chronic low back pain is common in both men and women, and is becoming increasingly common in people of all ages, even young people. This problem can interfere with your quality of life, as it affects all types of activities in your daily routine.

Discover what the various causes of chronic low back pain are, as well as treatments and natural remedies to treat each case.

What is your lower back?

The lumbar spine is the lower part of your back at the base of the spine or sacrum. It has a natural curve called lordosis if it has a normal curvature. Pain in the lower back can be associated with muscular or spinal problems.

However, it can also reflect poor function in certain organs such as the kidneys or intestines. While poor posture is sometimes the source of the pain, emotional issues are other times another crucial factor.

Back pain

Causes of chronic low back pain

1. Kidney problems

To find out if your back pain is related to your kidneys, place both palms on your back. The place where the thumb is is approximately where the kidneys are located. If you squeeze and it hurts, you may need a natural treatment to reduce inflammation in the organ.

  • You can try onion broth or dandelion and large borer tea for several days throughout the day until the low back pain is relieved.

2. Sensitivity to cold and humidity

Some people, due to metabolic disorders or other reasons, are very sensitive to cold and humidity, especially sudden changes. The lumbar spine is one of the body parts that is most vulnerable to factors like this, along with your joints.

  • Protect the area by wrapping a woolen cloth around you like a ribbon. This fabric is excellent for insulating you against outdoor temperatures while helping with the pain and making you feel better.

Bad attitude

If you look at models, you will notice that they tend to sway your back a lot, forcing your lower back forward in an unhealthy way. This poor posture is the cause of many people’s back pain, both in adults and very young people. It is also common in pregnant women due to the weight of the abdomen.

  • To fix poor posture, do exercises that give your body good posture and give your spine a good stretch.
  • Inversion therapy is also very useful (but not recommended for pregnant women).
Pregnant woman with back pain

4. Intestinal disorders

Intestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea or both can manifest in the lower back.

You can use natural medicine to solve the problem:

  • Constipation : Chia seeds and flaxseeds, probiotic supplements, raw, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water between meals.
  • Diarrhea : Green tea, white rice, charcoal supplements and probiotics.
  • Alternates between the two: Bach flower medicine, homeopathy, kudzu, chia seeds.

5. Emotional problems

Emotional problems can directly affect the lower back. Specifically, this area of ​​your body is often associated with fear, especially with financial issues.

To treat the pain from this perspective, contact a professional therapist who can give you a personalized treatment based on Bach flower medicine, homeopathy and herbal medicine,  etc.

Back pain

6. Damage

Finally, injury from exercise, accident or incorrect movement is a very common cause of low back pain. These injuries should always be treated properly and immediately to prevent chronic low back pain.

In addition to going to the doctor and getting the appropriate tests performed, you can also take some supplements to get faster healing:

  • A homeopathic Arnica remedy
  • Organic liquid silicon
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Haibrusk

Immediately after the injury, you should apply ice to soothe the inflammation. Later it will be much more efficient to use local heat with a pillow, hot water bottle or cream.

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