Can An Apple A Day Protect You From Obesity?

Nutritionists recommend eating apples with the skin on, as this is where pectin and essential phytochemicals are most concentrated. Now we know that apples are great in many ways, but how can they help us fight obesity?
Can one apple a day protect you from obesity?

One apple a day. We have all heard this at one time or another, and there is little that is so healthy in our diet. But can apples really help us avoid obesity? If so, what kind of apples? We will explain everything below.

One apple a day protects our health

There are many good reasons to include apples in your diet. An apple a day is important for your health. This tempting fruit can work wonders:

  • It is moisturizing, but also  diuretic to avoid fluid retention.
  • Reduces blood pressure thanks to its potassium content.
  • Provides plenty of fiber, especially if eaten raw with shells.
  • It contains pectin which  protects the intestines.
  • An apple (and its peel), helps prevent certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer.
  • Its phytochemicals protect against diabetes and reduce cholesterol.

Nutritionists recommend eating apples with the skin on, as this is where pectin and essential phytochemicals are most concentrated. Now we know that apples are great in many ways, but how can they help us fight obesity ?

Granny Smith apples and their anti-fat properties


To prevent obesity, not only will any apple variety be good enough, the best choice is known as Granny Smith. These apples are tasty, green apples with a slightly sour taste that complements many foods well. The study that came to this conclusion was conducted by a group of researchers at Washington State University. The purpose of the study was to find the best sample to prevent weight gain.

Why are Granny Smith apples so much better than other varieties? What is the secret of these apples? The experts gave us answers to these questions in an issue of “Food Chemistry” along with a few other facts to keep in mind:

  • Granny Smith apples contain indigestible substances that prevent diseases associated with obesity. This variety is richer in polyphenols, dietary fiber and carbohydrates.
  • This type of apple also encourages the growth of so-called “good” bacteria, which protect the colon from toxins and help digest fat.
  • Granny Smith apples are more medicinal and healthier than varieties like Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, Red Delcious or Braeburn. They are richer in polyphenols and indigestible substances that help control weight gain and obesity.
  • The good bacteria in the colon help us lose weight, which makes this type of apple a true growth factor for good bacteria. They are so healthy and restore metabolic balance. Inflammation will disappear and you will experience an increased feeling of satiety and avoid weight gain. A natural wonder available to all of us.

Do not wait! Start eating an apple a day… And make sure they are Granny Smith apples!

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