Are You A Visual, Kinesthetic Or Auditory Person?

This theory was formulated by neurolinguistic programming, which claims that the world we see is perceived differently by each of us. The reality you see is therefore completely different from the one those around you perceive. We all understand the world through the sense we use the most, depending on our personality.
Are you a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person?

As you probably know, we humans have five senses that we use to perceive the world around us: smell, taste, sight, hearing and the sense of touch. We all use one or more senses to communicate and get information from the environments we travel in, and this varies from person to person. Curious about which senses you use the most and whether you are a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person?

How do you relate to the world around you?

This theory was formulated by neurolinguistic programming, which claims that the world we see is perceived differently by each of us. The reality you see is therefore completely different from the one those around you perceive. We all understand the world through the sense we use the most, depending on our personality.

This is an interesting perspective that is worth thinking about, as it can also help you understand yourself better. It is quite possible that you use more than one of the five senses. It is also interesting that this perspective has to do with which part of the brain  is dominant, there are those who use the left hemisphere more for example, and these are often more concerned with logic and are often orderly people.

If, on the other hand, you use the right hemisphere more, you are often more creative, flexible and innovative. Neurolinguistic psychology explores this to find out more about how people perceive the world around them. Want to find out what your natural tendency is? Let us check and find out if you are a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person.

Are you a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person?

1. A visual person


Are you one of those who need complete silence around you when you read or study? It is very common for those with a more visual dominance to need silence to be able to concentrate.

It is also possible that you are listening to music while driving to relax, but when you are looking for a specific address or need to be more concentrated, you choose to turn off the radio to be able to concentrate and be more focused.

This type of person has a lot of energy and is extremely observant. They are preoccupied with details and rarely overlook details. When they need to remember or learn things, it is easier to remember pictures, and they therefore need to write down with pen and paper for extra help. ‘

They prefer to walk in parks or forests to relax and have peace of mind.

2. An auditory person

Do you tend to say what you think out loud, both to others and to yourself? Others may be surprised by this particular habit, but the reality is that many do just that.

You put things into words and talk to yourself to vent your thoughts. It is also common for you as an auditory person to appreciate listening to others as well. This is how you remember things best: by listening to others talk rather than writing things down.

An auditory person has a very expressive personality and has strong communication skills. They know how to express themselves in the best possible way and they like to listen to others. They get everything, and even manage to follow conversations while listening to music.

They can do many things at once, unlike visuals who sometimes find it difficult to concentrate if there are a lot of stimuli around them.

A kinesthetic person


What are your hobbies? Do you like crafts? Are you a good cook? Do you like to make things with your hands? Work out? Do you have a garden and like to plant and make things grow? Do you play a sport? If so, you are probably a kinesthetic person.

Neurolinguistic programming claims that kinesthetic people, despite being calm, have a special interest in emotions and are particularly interested in everything that has to do with physical and manual things. They are a type of person who likes to try things out for themselves rather than being explained how to do it.

They like to express themselves and are happy to hug, caress and also like to eat. They are intimate people who generally do not find much interest in seeing the details of what is going on around them, such as visual people. They are more spontaneous and less introspective or observant.

We can conclude by saying that it is possible to have a percentage of each type in you. This is perfectly normal, but what is certain is that you identify a little extra with one of them. Visual people are a little more relaxed than auditory or kinesthetic people. Kinesthetic people are more restless and reflect less.

We all have a bit of each type in us, but the interesting thing about neurolinguistic programming’s perspective is that it gives us an interesting view of how each of us perceives reality.

This also has a lot to do with our personality: whether you are relaxed or more anxious, reflective or not, whether you like to express yourself or are more observant and introspective. The way you live is closely linked to your senses… To the pleasure of seeing, touching, experiencing, communicating…

So, how do you express yourself, and how do you perceive the world around you? Are you a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person?

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