After Reading This, You Will Never Look At Bananas In The Same Way Again

Bananas give you the energy you need for hard work, be it physically or mentally. You just have to learn to eat them at the right time.
After reading this, you will never look at bananas in the same way again

Bananas are a fruit that people tend to cut out of their diet due to the amount of calories. But as we have said many times before, food is so much more than the number of calories in them.

Dietary advice when it comes to losing weight sometimes lies when it comes to food, although it is true that some foods are worse for you than others when trying to lose weight.

In fact, some high-calorie foods can be good for you and even help you lose a few pounds if you know how to take advantage of them. One of the biggest mistakes we make is not knowing what we need. You surf the web, look for diets and follow them strictly, but the fact is that these diets may not suit your needs.

A person working in an office does not need the same things as a person who spends many hours standing or a person who is more physically active. Therefore, it is best to spend some time studying what you eat to make sure you get the most out of what you eat.

Another thing to think about is the season you are in. Remember that your body does not function in the same way in freezing temperatures as in summer. At warm temperatures you sweat more, your blood pressure drops, and you have less energy to exercise. What you eat depends on factors such as these.

Benefits of bananas

Bananas versus depression

Bananas versus depression

Why are bananas good if you are depressed? Because they contain tryptophan, a protein that becomes serotonin in your body. When this drug hits your brain, you begin to feel peace and quiet.

It gives you the extra dose of optimism that you so desperately need if you are dealing with depression. This does not have the same effect as prescription medication, of course, but it does help improve the effect and may improve your quality of life.

Goodbye PMS symptoms

Have you ever had a craving for sweets in the days leading up to your period? Hormonal changes are to blame here because they get your blood sugar level out of balance, and consequently your body begins to demand sugar.

  • Bananas are perfect in this situation, given that they stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Also, they are much healthier than other sweets because bananas, like all fruits, contain a lot of fiber. Fiber helps the body get rid of things it does not need.

Bananas can help with morning sickness

Bananas can help with morning sickness and vomiting

Bananas help with morning sickness on two fronts:

  • On the one hand , they regenerate the mucous membrane that protects the stomach.
  • On the other hand, they replenish the potassium that is lost from vomiting. As a result, the contractions associated with nausea will decrease.

We recommend that you eat a banana between meals.

Energy-rich bananas

To give you an idea of ​​how much energy bananas can give you, you are ready for a 90-minute workout after eating a banana.

However, you need energy for more than just exercise. If you have a demanding job with very little time for a lunch break, bananas are your solution. They will also help you become more productive.

Think about how long it will take you to eat a banana. Not even a minute, right?

They help you stay awake and focused

a pair of joggers

This point is related to the previous one, as well as to serotonin production. For your brain to think properly, you need to feel relaxed but active.

This is how you need to feel to do things like connect concepts and make a decision. Therefore, bananas are ideal for people who need their brain to function 100%.

Did you know that bananas were so good for you? It is a happy surprise for many. Now you can enjoy them even more! The key is to do it with intelligence and restraint. Just listen to your body and give it what it needs.

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