6 Tips To Get Rounder And Firmer Buttocks

In addition to targeted exercises, you can also use treatment creams to facilitate the removal of fat in this region to get noticeably firmer buttock muscles.
6 tips to get rounder and firmer glutes

There is genetics at the core, but it is also up to you to get rounder and firmer gluteal muscles.

Most women want to have firm, round gluteal muscles without cellulite, and in recent years there has been a movement to also increase their size, while always keeping them in balance with the rest of your body.

In this article, we want to share six tips you can use to get rounder and firmer gluteal muscles in a way that is healthy and beautiful.

1. Tone different muscles in the buttocks

Almost everyone knows of an exercise that has been recommended to strengthen and increase gluteal muscles. Nevertheless, when we talk about this region, we must remember the three primary muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus.

Because of this, it is important that you include movements for each of the three types of muscles when defining a toning regimen.

You should perform toning exercises at least three times a week.

2. Do not forget to stretch to achieve rounder and firmer buttock muscles

Remember to stretch

Something that is just as important as toning exercises is to stretch both before and after training.

This combination of muscular contraction and relaxation enables rounder and firmer gluteal muscles, while eliminating muscle tension in other parts of the body.

Do not forget to include your legs, thighs and lower back in your stretching exercises, as these are directly related to your buttock muscles.

3. Increase your protein intake

To build muscle you need to eat enough protein. That said, you should not eat too much animal-based protein, as this can damage the liver and kidneys.

For this, you can try to find a balance with vegetable protein.

In addition, remember to include a portion of protein with each meal, and it can be:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Dairy products
  • Beans
  • Nuts and seeds

There are also other foods, such as whole grains and avocados, that have  important amounts of very healthy protein.

You must always eat some form of protein, especially meat or fish, accompanied by vegetables (juices, salads, steamed vegetables, etc..).

4. Increase your intake of healthy fats

Healthy fat

If you want to improve this part of your body, you must also consume fat in addition to protein. Still, keep in mind that not all fats are created equal,  nor do the different types have the same function in the body.

The type of fat you need is the most natural form, untreated, so your body will send it where it is needed – especially because this is what you want to burn during exercise.

In addition, eating this type of fat will increase your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight on other parts of the body, such as the waist.

Add these foods to your diet:

  • Vegetable oils, preferably cold pressed: olives, coconut, sesame seeds, flax seeds, wheat germ
  • Ghee (clarified butter)
  • Avocado
  • Sardines
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Egg yolks
  • Cold water fish

5. Moisturize your skin every day

6 tips to get rounder and firmer glutes

It is incredibly important that you moisturize the skin on your buttocks muscles every day to improve the appearance of your buttocks, as well as to increase the skin’s elasticity, tighten it up and prevent stretch marks or cellulite.

Fats from creams can also help you gain volume in this region.

Choose moisturizing creams that are as natural as possible, rich in essential and vegetable oils (almond, avocado, argan, jojoba, etc.).

Apply with a circular massage using your fist or an avocado seed. You can also perform a vertical massage, from the feet to the waist.

Do this every day, especially after exercising and showering.

6. Try suction cups

There is a technique you can use to enlarge and shape your buttocks muscles in a natural way.

All you need are suction cups – the kind you can buy on the internet or in physiotherapy and massage centers.

The suction cups are made of plastic that allows you to massage any part of your body to improve circulation in a localized way.

If you use them on a regular basis, combined with moisture and massage, you will see what it looks like to have rounder and firmer gluteal muscles just by paying attention to your skin! It is also a good way to reduce cellulite.

Perform circular massages using suction cups after applying oil to your skin so that you can push and move them more easily. Do not leave them stuck in one place, as this may trigger a blood clot.

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