What Happens When You Finally Leave A Toxic Relationship?

You have probably met at least one person who, after leaving one toxic relationship, goes into another. Falling into the same abusive and abusive dynamic is more common than you think.
What happens when you finally leave a toxic relationship?

A toxic relationship wears you down, destroys your identity and dilutes your self-esteem. It distorts your basic concepts of what authentic love, noble respect and sharing life together are all about.

We know that calling certain types of relationships “toxic” is fashionable. After all, many people use this term almost too much to talk about violent, harmful or controlling behavior. However , we need to thoroughly analyze a relationship in detail before using this popular term.

Sometimes , a particular behavior may in fact be due to another disorder that requires a different type of attention.

In general, we should be careful with labels.

Complex people and complicated relationships exist in abundance.

However, sometimes a person becomes epicentered by problems and a maelstrom of emotional, physical or psychological abuse. This is the true nature of a toxic relationship.

If you have ever experienced this and have managed to get out of the relationship, you know that this process is not easy.

Above all, we want to make it clear that the individual act of ending a relationship with a toxic partner does not automatically mean that you will experience immediate happiness and well-being. This takes time.

The process is not easy or fast.

After a toxic relationship, a wound remains

Hand with bog

Let us imagine for a moment a person being led by hand through a thick forest full of branches and twigs.

This person can be led because they trust the other person. But they know that the journey is exhausting, they become breathless and the branches leave sores on the skin.

Nothing they see around them looks beautiful or hopeful.

They finally decide to let go of this hand and distance themselves. They do this to feel free, to restore their happiness and let the other person go on alone, along another path.

When they do this, they experience intense and conflicting emotions:

  • They barely recognize themselves. As a result of this traumatic journey, they are left with many scars and open wounds.
  • They feel exhausted. It is difficult to breathe and their only option is to be calm and quiet for a while to recover.
  • They are lost. They have stopped in a part of the forest where they do not know the way. They do not know which direction to take now.

After leaving a toxic relationship, the woman or man will find relief, that is for sure. However , the feeling of well-being will not be immediate.

What they will feel is the need to withdraw, to find themselves again, to identify their wounds, reflect and think about where they are in life and what to do.

Time to heal, time to retire

Sad woman

The last thing anyone should do after leaving a toxic relationship is to seek relief in a new relationship.

No one can heal himself by entering into another relationship immediately. Doing this is not therapeutic or healthy.

This is mainly because no one else is obligated to fix our wounds, to be our anesthetic or our means to help us forget.

Overall, it is best to give ourselves time to make this journey inward. We need time to restore our self-confidence, repair our identity, nurture our hopes and learn to trust ourselves.

We need to let go of hatred, fear and frustration in order to come out of our intimacy shells much stronger.

Like it or not, we must formalize a kind of concrete mourning process. Little by little, this will help us to:

  • Release our emotions
  • Channel our anger
  • Develop a resilient attitude
  • Remember what we are worth and what we deserve.

Only when we love ourselves again will we be ready to let ourselves find the right person.

My dignity does not accept negotiations or new toxic conditions

Woman in toxic relationship

You have probably met at least one person who, after leaving one toxic relationship, goes into another.

Falling into the same abusive and abusive dynamic is more common than you think.

Remember: we must build a healthy self-confidence and remember that our dignity cannot be sold, bought or negotiated.

It is extremely important to remember that we deserve the best. To love does not mean to suffer, and loneliness in harmony is always preferable to insane, selfish and harmful love.


We must repair ourselves and heal our self-esteem and dignity to always remember not to fall back into harmful relationships.

Let us make sure that this experience allows us to learn to say “never again” to toxic love.

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