9 Types Of People Who Threaten Your Mental Health

Even though we initially have good mental health, the fact that we surround ourselves with conflict-creating people can lead to negative influences, and rob us of the confidence we have in ourselves.
9 types of people who threaten your mental health

Throughout life, we have the opportunity to meet people of all kinds, with different personalities and lifestyles. Many of them threaten your mental health. Some become good supporters , and can also be important for our personal and professional development.

Others, on the other hand, do nothing but pollute us with their negativity. And even if we do not always notice it, they become a major obstacle for us to get where we want .

The worst thing is that they are often people who tend to manipulate others. If we become part of their game, we end up in situations we do not want to be in. Our mental health is challenged.

Therefore , it is very important to learn to identify them , and above all to keep them at a distance when they try to interfere in our lives.

Learn to recognize the 9 most common.

1. The one who is dissatisfied with you


This is a person who wants to change you, or who is constantly pointing out your mistakes. If you want to feel good, you have little to gain from such people.

  • Such friends intend to shape you the way they think you should be . Although at first glance they may seem to help you, in reality they expect you to put your own interests aside.

2. The scandalous

The typical person with disrespectful and impulsive personality can become a very annoying company . Especially if they tend to act out in any situation.

  • Not only is it uncomfortable to go out with such a person, it can also give you problems with others , even if it has nothing to do with you.

3. The envious


The jealous person is a true energy thief. Unfortunately , they are almost always found in your circle of friends or among those you associate with most often .

  • This type of people still criticize and remain negative. If you achieve something good they feel anger and unhappiness.
  • They do not tolerate that you experience success and will constantly try to find areas where you are worse than them .

4. The pessimistic

If you surround yourself with a pessimistic person, it is inevitable that at some point you will begin to feel insecure about your own decisions.

  • These people are shattering your dreams , either consciously or unconsciously. Their outlook on life means that they will always find reasons not to follow their dreams.
  • Instead of finding solutions , they show you all the obstacles . They make you think that you should not do what you want, just because they can not do it themselves. This has a negative impact on your mental health.

5. The arrogant threatens your mental health


Arrogant people enjoy harassing and humiliating others. They have so much self-confidence that they think they are better than anyone around .

  • When you surround yourself with such people, you expose yourself to humiliations and unpleasant moments.
  • In the workplace, they will also make things difficult for you and make the work environment tense and uncomfortable .

6. The one who will always be the victim

Be careful! People who should always be victims are perhaps the most toxic people you can surround yourself with.

  • They constantly make excuses and do not tend to take responsibility for their duties.
  • They suffer all the time, blaming others for their mistakes and anything else negative that might happen to them.
  • No matter how much you try to help them , they are not willing to change. Instead, they cultivate their eternal inferiority complex .

7. The bitter


If a person is bitter, it is impossible to show love or establish strong and healthy bonds with others. Their inability to forgive builds anger and fuels selfish behavior. These people are not good for your mental health.

  • If you have someone with such a personality around you, you will sooner or later face a situation where you are accused of some inadequacy or mistake.
  • Such relationships are very difficult to maintain, as they eliminate all harmony and trust.

8. The dependent

An independent person does not tolerate friends, partners or even family members participating in activities together, where he himself is not included.

  • They can not make their own decisions and get upset if you do something without them.
  • They are often morbidly jealous, asking for explanations for everything and behaving neurotically.
  • They do not respect your privacy and try to solve problems with tantrums.

9. The gossip


What makes you think that spreading rumors will not hurt you? These people are not able to distinguish between rumors and reality . They often put lies in their stories, with the purpose of hurting others.

  • People who gossip are insecure and rejoice over others who are not well.
  • Having a rumor mill in your group of friends or at work is potentially devastating, and definitely not good for your mental health.
  • People who like gossip are often unhappy and jealous. Stay away from them!

Do you want to keep your mental health in balance? Analyze the people you surround yourself with and opt out of those who do not bring anything good with them .

Even though you may think you are smart enough to defend yourself, at some point you will experience problems with these relationships.

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