9 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Nails And Caring For Them Naturally

Even if you only pay attention to how they look on the outside, you actually also need to take care of your nails for your health and protect them from any external damage. Learn how in this article!
9 tips to take care of your nails and care for them naturally

If you want to take care of your nails in a natural way, you need to be aware of the products you use on your hands and protect them from aggressive environmental agents.

You also need to be careful about what you eat. Your nails reflect your overall health, and their appearance may be an indication of a lack of certain nutrients.

In today’s article, you will find out how to take care of your nails both inside and out, so that they are always beautiful, strong and healthy.

Choose non-toxic nail polish

Conventional nail polish contains ingredients that can be toxic to your health, including the following:

  • Toluene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Dibutyl phthalate
  • Camphor
  • Tosilamide

Labels with the names of the ingredients tend to be very small, which makes it difficult to know what is in the nail polish. However, many nail polish bottles will indicate whether they are organic or free of toxic substances.

Avoiding synthetic drugs will not only benefit your nails, but also prevent toxins from reaching your bloodstream and potentially affecting certain organ functions.

Take care of your nails

2. Acetone-free nail polish remover

Nail polish removers can often be very aggressive for your nails, because acetone makes them dry and gradually weaker. Therefore, we recommend the use of acetone-free nail polish remover, which usually contains other ingredients, such as lemon juice. You have to work a little harder to remove the nail polish, but the results are worth it.

3. Wear gloves to protect your nails

Most people have the habit of doing many things around the home without protecting their hands and nails. Whether it’s laziness or urgency, things are usually washed by hand without wearing gloves, which means your nails are exposed to aggressive cleaning products such as bleach or detergent.

We recommend that you always wear gloves and moisturize your hands and nails often, especially when working outdoors or with strong products.

4. Wet your hands well

It is not enough to just use lotion to hydrate your hands. To take care of your nails, you need to use a natural product with a high oil content that you can use every night before bedtime. If you wish, you can use cotton gloves to avoid stains on the bedding. This will also help the product to be better absorbed.

We recommend that you use some of the following nutritious and natural moisturizing ingredients:

  • Castor oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Almond oil
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Rose petal oil
  • Shea butter

You can also combine them. Try them and see what nourishes your nails the most.

Healthy nails

5. Try hand massage

If you also perform a hand massage while using your lotion, you increase the absorption of the product. This will also give you a pleasant feeling of well-being. It is best if the massage is performed by another person who can focus on your wrists, palms, fingers and nails using a healthy amount of your preferred oil.

6. Improve circulation

People who have cold hands or suffer from poor circulation can also try hand baths with alternating hot and cold water, in addition to getting massages regularly.

You can use two containers to soak your hands and activate circulation.

7. Take care of your nails and protect your hands from the sun and cold

To take care of your nails, you need to get used to using sunscreen when you are exposed to the sun’s rays and in the most intense hours of sunlight. You must also protect yourself from the cold and wind by wearing gloves.

Mittens with snow shape the heart

8. Eat a balanced diet

Food affects how you look. Because of this, it is important to consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to be sure that you get plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Juices and homemade smoothies are a great way to consume them, every single day.

9. Some beneficial supplements

To take care of your nails that are fragile or weak, you can try some natural supplements that will benefit your nails as well as your skin and your hair. Here are some of the most useful:

  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Liquid organic silicon
  • Spirulina
  • Linseed oil
  • Evening primrose oil
  • Biotin

Before taking anything, however, we recommend that you talk to a doctor or specialist.

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