9 Surprising Effects Of Low Serotonin Levels

Aside from anxiety problems and depression, a lack of serotonin sends us many signs that we should not ignore or rule out that it may be linked to this neurotransmitter.
9 surprising effects of low serotonin levels

Do you know the effects of low serotonin levels? Serotonin is a chemical that makes us happy. In general, it gives us a sense of general well-being. But its functions go far beyond a pleasing emotional state.

In addition to acting as a neurotransmitter in the brain, serotonin, also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), can act as a hormone when present in the blood.

Serotonin affects a huge range of physical and mental functions: in fact , it plays a major role in controlling our bone metabolism, our liver regeneration and even the body’s cell division.

The chemical components found in our body are very fascinating. Thanks to 5-HT, for example, we can rely on an inner balance that gives us a general well-being of the processes that contribute to our overall health. Today we want to explain how low serotonin levels can affect your body.

It is worth remembering these symptoms. Many times they are associated with other problems when in reality it is due to a simple imbalance between neurotransmitters and hormones.

Low serotonin levels cause digestive problems

You may have never heard of peristalsis before. This term refers to the muscle contractions that take place throughout our digestive system with a very specific mission: to efficiently move food and fluids through the digestive system.

When we have low serotonin levels, our cells stop producing a sufficient amount of calcium. With less calcium , the digestive muscles degenerate and stop contracting effectively. Therefore, our digestive process becomes much heavier and much slower.

2. Low serotonin levels and irritable bowel

Digestive problems

This fact is interesting: almost 95% of serotonin is produced and stored in the intestine. A deficiency of this neurotransmitter causes changes in bowel function.

  • This makes it possible to experience repeated episodes of constipation.
  • In addition, due to muscle deterioration in the digestive system, it is also very common to suffer from “irritable bowel syndrome” (IBS).

In such circumstances, it is therefore a good idea for your doctor to order blood tests and a complete evaluation of the symptoms to confirm whether your problem is in fact related to low serotonin levels.

3. A weaker immune system

If you have been through a period of decline such as muscle weakness, extreme fatigue, mood swings and more infections or colds than usual, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. Low serotonin levels can also make the immune system ineffective and much weaker.

4. Changes in your biological clock

Changes in your biological clock, woman is not allowed to sleep

Low serotonin levels can also change the circadian rhythm. In fact, a common symptom that is also experienced is that one feels more sleepy during the day than at night.

  • In fact, daily drowsiness is also said to be a common symptom of depression.
  • It is known that endogenous depression is caused precisely by a deficiency of serotonin.

5. Suck for salty foods

This fact is undoubtedly very interesting: people who suffer from a reduction in serotonin in the body, have a greater need for sodium and therefore have a craving for salty foods.

Nevertheless , we cannot consider this symptom as an absolute indicator of a 5-HT deficit. There must also be other factors such as: being discouraged all the time, fatigue, digestive problems etc.

6. Depression

Woman with depression looking out the window

As we have said before, a deficit of serotonin is associated with a decrease in our mood.

  • In fact, there is a direct link between low serotonin levels and the development of depression.
  • All of this stems from a lack of receptors that can receive serotonin or tryptophan, an amino acid that is able to regulate serotonin.

In some cases, if the depression is not very severe, something as simple as improving your diet and exercising can improve our mood.

However, in most cases it is necessary to resort to drugs to restore serotonin levels.

7. Greater anxiety

Our body has at least 14 different serotonin receptors, and 5-HT1A is the most important of them all.

If these receptor defects occur at some point in our lives, we will immediately notice greater sensitivity, nervousness, worry and anxiety.

This is a very important fact we must keep in mind to understand that both anxiety and depression often have an origin in chemical imbalance.

8. Migraines

Woman with migraine

Serotonin levels are also important in the development of migraines.

The cause of a good deal of this type of disabling headache lies in tryptophan deficiency, the precursor to serotonin which mediates its adequate production.

9. Small memory problems

Lack of attention, fatigue, difficulty concentrating on certain facts and retaining information are also associated with a serotonin problem.

This symptom is very common in people suffering from depression. A problem that at the same time tends to get better when a medical treatment is obtained to treat it.

Finally, serotonin levels play a role in an infinite number of body processes. In fact, the 9 listed in this article are just a handful of examples. Therefore, in the presence of a problem, physical or emotional discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A good diet, exercise and adequate medicine can return our well-being.

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