8 Surprising Uses For Baking Soda For Beauty

One of the most important benefits of baking soda is that it is available at such a reasonable price. In addition, you can find it in almost any store or supermarket. Want to learn how to harness the power of baking soda in your beauty routine?
8 surprising uses for baking soda for beauty

We all want to stay beautiful and radiant, and to feel good about ourselves. Many people think it is necessary to spend a lot of money on cosmetics and beauty treatments to stay beautiful, without realizing that we already have everything we need for the best beauty treatment for our hair, skin, and even teeth at home. One of the most amazing beauty products is easy to find in most homes: sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. We already know that there are many uses for baking soda in the kitchen and for our health, but it also offers a number of great beauty benefits.

One of the most important benefits of baking soda is that it is available at such a reasonable price. In addition, you can find it in almost any store or supermarket. Want to learn how to take advantage of more amazing soda uses in your beauty routine?

Applications for baking soda


Beauty experts recommend regular peeling of the skin to remove dead skin cells and dirt that accumulates from day to day. Baking soda is your best friend when it comes to peeling your skin.  You only need to mix one part water with three parts baking soda, and gently massage the skin in circular motions. Rinse with warm water and follow up with a moisturizer.

Deep cleansing of the hair


Our hair accumulates oil and pollutants daily, which makes our hair look and feel greasy and uncomfortable. The solution to this problem is to mix in a teaspoon of baking soda in your shampoo and massage it into your hair, then let it work for 10 minutes. As soon as you rinse out, your hair will feel fresh and clean.

Knees and elbows

Knees and elbows are two areas that often suffer from dryness. To moisturize these parts of the body, just add a little baking soda to your daily moisturizer and massage it into the dry, rough areas.

Silky soft hands

hand massage

For healthy hands and nails, make a mass with a little water and baking soda and massage it on both hands and nails to make them smooth and free of dead skin cells and dirt.

Whiter teeth

Baking soda is effective for whitening teeth in a completely natural way. It is also used in some commercial toothpastes due to its whitening power. To naturally whiten teeth, mix a little baking soda with a little water and a pinch of salt and use this mass to brush your teeth with. Another good idea is to gargle water with baking soda to combat bad breath.

Natural deodorant

natural deodorant

Baking soda is an ideal ingredient for eliminating bad odors, making it suitable for reducing odors caused by sweat. You can use it as a cream for the armpits or in half a cup in a bath. Use as an exfoliator for the armpits to remove stains caused by commercial deodorants and antiperspirants.

Treatment for acne

Baking soda is also effective in treating irritating pimples and blackheads, as well as excess oil. Mix a little baking soda with a little lemon juice and apply the resulting mass on the pimples. It is important to use this treatment at night because sunbathing can cause the mixture to stain the skin.

Soften tired feet and make them relax


Our feet need special care to relax after a long day, and to keep the skin free of dead cells. Baking soda will help keep your feet beautiful and healthy, just put in three tablespoons in a bucket of warm water and let your feet soak for 10 minutes.

As you can see, there are many uses for baking soda, and there are even more, do not hesitate to try them!

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