8 Reasons For Pain In The Shoulder Blade And Treatment Of It

The back consists of bones, ligaments, nerves, muscles and joints. Consequently, back pain is very common.
8 reasons for pain in the shoulder blade and its treatment

You definitely know where your shoulder blades are. They are the broad legs found in the back just behind the shoulders . They act as a midpoint where muscles and tendons cross. Unfortunately, pain in the shoulder blade is very common. In some cases, it may simply be a sign of fatigue, but it may also be a signal of something more serious.

Work, studies, commitments and housework can be a strain on the back. And it is without thinking about any physical work you may have to do your shoulders.

Possible causes of pain in the shoulder blade

Bad attitude

Man suffering from shoulder blade pain

It is very important to maintain good posture, since the shoulder blades are connected to tendons. In addition, lack of sleep or being in a certain position for too long can be harmful to the back.

But how do you know if you have a good attitude or not?

  • Get up and lay your back against a wall.
  • Make sure that the head, buttocks and above all the shoulders touch the wall.
  • You know you have done it right, if you can send your hand through the arch formed by the lower back.

Poor diet can lead to pain in the shoulder blade

Poor diet can lead to pain in the shoulder blade

An unbalanced diet weakens your muscles. This can be from eating too much fat, or not getting the nutrients and vitamins you need. Therefore, you will end up with terrible back pain, especially in the shoulder blades.

3. Muscle tension

Woman experiencing pain in the shoulder blade

A very common cause of shoulder blade pain is muscle tension. This can be caused by excessive physical exertion, carrying something heavy, or by a wrong movement.

The shoulder blades are connected to the entire musculoskeletal system. When we feel tension, we can therefore feel pain around, above, between and below the shoulder blades.

4. Heart problems can lead to pain in the shoulder blade

heart health

One of the more serious causes of pain in the shoulder blades is aortic dissection. This is where there is a rupture in the artery that supplies blood to the heart. Therefore, this is a very serious condition.

This can cause pain in the lower back as much as in the upper back. It is very important that you do not ignore these symptoms, as it can be a warning of a potential heart attack.

5. Bone fracture

bone fracture

To get a bone fracture in the shoulder blade, it must have been a strong blow.

However, a fracture or lack of bone or ligament will cause intense pain right away, so it is important that you go straight to the doctor. An accident of this magnitude can even lead to death.


woman with arthritis

This specific condition is very common in older people and mainly affects the joints.

Arthritis causes pain and inflammation that gets worse over time and with more physical activity. Sometimes knots can occur in the area above the shoulder blades, and it can also cause deformities.

7. Osteoporosis can lead to pain in the shoulder blade

Osteoporosis can lead to pain in the shoulder blade

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone mass loses density. This weakens it and causes pain, especially in the arms and spine. The bone mass can become so weak that it is possible to get a shoulder blade fracture.

8. Cancer


It is not very common at all, but it is possible that pain in both shoulder blades may be caused by a tumor. If the tumor develops in the upper part of the lungs, the pain can be felt around the shoulder blades.

This type of pain will be intense and constant and will intensify at night and when you lie down. If you have such symptoms, you should go straight to your doctor to rule out a malignant tumor.

Treatment of pain in the shoulder blade

No matter what causes your pain, whether it is severe or mild, there are a number of treatments you can use, such as medication, physical therapy or changing habits. You should only resort to surgery in very severe cases.


  • Take care of your diet.
  • Do physical activity. Try yoga.
  • Try physiotherapy and back massage.
  • Avoid very stressful situations.
  • Try to change position from time to time at work.

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