8 Beauty Products You Should Not Share With Anyone

While it may be a principle that is a bit extreme, it is better to prevent yourself from exposing yourself to unnecessary danger by sharing your beauty products.
8 beauty products you should not share with anyone

There is a wide range of beauty products that should only be used by you and you should not share with anyone.

You may be used to sharing them with your friends or a family member. However, it is important to know that this can increase the risk of infections and skin problems.

It may seem “harmless”, and it does not always start badly. But it is better to prevent others from using your beauty products so that they do not pollute them. They can share bacteria that can be harmful.

Many people ignore what you should not share. With this in mind, we want to share the eight most important with you in detail and what their risk is.

See what they are!

Beauty products you should not share with others

1. Mascara


Mascara is a product that touches your eyelids when you apply it from the roots to your eyelashes.

This can contaminate it with infectious bacteria. Many times, these bacteria are responsible for problems such as cataracts.

  • As a result, you should stop using it if you have an eye infection.

2. Eyeliner

Pencils or liquid liners are beauty products that can become contaminated, such as mascara, after application.

  • This means that if your friend has a virus or bacteria in his eyes, there is a good chance that you will be infected.
  • One of the problems you may experience is known as keratitis. This makes the cornea inflamed.

3. Lipsticks and lip balms


The mouth is full of bacteria. And not everyone has infections. But there is a high probability that you will suffer if you share things like lipsticks and lip balms.

  • This is because it has direct contact with your skin. When you use it, it makes it easier to share diseases such as cold sores.
  • Some bacteria may use this as a form of transport. These bacteria then change the pH of the sensitive skin of your lips.

4. Make-up brushes and sponges

To reduce the risk of skin diseases and infections, it is important to regularly wash the utensils you use on a daily basis. This includes make-up brushes and sponges.

You may not notice it, but these collect bacteria and dead skin. After a few days, they will affect your skin health.

  • This explains why you should not share these with people. This especially includes those who suffer from acne, skin irritations or allergies.
  • The more you wash your skin, the greater the risk of catching these problems.

5. Deodorants


Deodorants, whether bars or roll-on, are items you should never share. This is because, instead of protecting you, they can make you smell bad and give you infections.

  • Using them yourself is healthy and effective. But when you divide them, you expose yourself to bacteria, sweat and particles that stick to the surface.
  • Then, when you use them again, you may suffer the consequences.

6. Razors and electric razors

Razors are designed to make it easier to get rid of unwanted hair on any part of your body.

This is a simple and hygienic way to do this. But you should not share them with anyone.

  • This is because  they pose a danger of accidents, such as cutting yourself. This increases the risk of getting an infection later.
  • Also, they can store dead skin cells. These can block your pores.

7. Nail clippers

nail scissors

If you want to keep your nails healthy and beautiful, it is important to keep nail clippers to yourself.

Sharing them can seem normal and insignificant. The truth is, however, that they can cause infections.

  • Your fingers and nails store bacteria, fungi and viruses. Even if you do not see them, they can cause problems.
  • Sharing this tool increases the risk of getting fungus under your nails or on your skin, which can lead to warts and skin infections.

8. Body lotion in jars

Every time you dip your hand in a jar of body lotion, you put down bacteria. In some environments they can spread.

Can you imagine what would happen if you shared the creams?

  • Remember that  the other person has bacteria on their hands. In fact, you do not know how harmful these bacteria can be.
  • Although not very worrying, it is best to avoid sharing to avoid problems along the way.
  • Avoid using this beauty product without washing your hands beforehand.

We know that you have certainly shared some beauty products we have mentioned here at some point.

Now you know the risk. Try to keep these products to yourself, or take steps to disinfect them if you have no choice but to share them.

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