7 Toxic Ingredients To Avoid In Cosmetics

Although we often overlook it, makeup contains many toxic ingredients that can endanger our health. For this reason, you should be careful about the products you buy by checking the labels.
7 Toxic Ingredients You Should Avoid In Cosmetics

Most cosmetic products are full of toxic ingredients, many of which have names that we can not even pronounce. Today you can discover what makeup you should avoid based on the ingredients listed on the labels.

Toxic ingredients that should be avoided in cosmetics

You may have already had an allergic reaction due to cosmetics, except you did not know what it was. Perhaps it was the fact that they contained some of the following toxic ingredients:

1. Parabens

Parabens are commonly present in deodorants, toothpaste, conditioners, shampoos and many other products.

Although they are not toxic in small amounts, repeated exposure to these chemicals from the various products you use can overload your body and contribute to a wide range of health problems.

Furthermore, this type of preservative can cause an allergic reaction in the scalp or skin if you are sensitive.

If the product you are using contains methylparab, enethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben or isobutylparaben, it has parabens.

2. Lead: Toxic ingredients you may not have thought of

Lead in lipstick

Did you know that many lipsticks contain lead ? When we buy lipstick, we usually do not look at what it is made of. We often use these products without knowing that many of them have a toxic ingredient.

It is true that the content of lead is very small. Recent scientific research, however, indicates that there is no certain level of lead exposure. Lead is a neurotoxin and can be dangerous even in small doses. Medical experts are aware that any level of lead exposure is unhealthy.

3. Silicones

Another ingredient that you should avoid in cosmetics is silicones. Unfortunately, these are found in many types of foundation. Although they are not as toxic as lead, they have a negative effect on your skin.

Silicone evens out the skin, giving it a much healthier and more uniform appearance. While providing this benefit, they also prevent your skin from breathing because they clog your pores.

4. Ammonia

Ammonia is widely used in hair coloring and bleaching, as it helps the dye hold on to the hair. Although the composition has changed over the years to be more gentle on your scalp, it still causes some problems.

Of all the chemicals used by cosmetic companies, ammonia is one of the worst. As soon as it touches the skin or eyes, it reacts with the moisture in them and turns into ammonia hydroxide. This kills cells by damaging their membranes. This leads to inflammation, which causes even more damage.

This ingredient causes irritation to the scalp and / or hair loss. It is not recommended at all for people suffering from a type of eczema or seborrheic dermatitis.

5. Phthalates

Toxic ingredients in nail polish

This is another ingredient that you should avoid in cosmetics. This compound is present in, among other things, nail polish. It is also found in blush, bath oils, baby lotion, powder and shampoo.

The problem with phthalates is that like lead, our body absorbs them, in this case, through the nails. In addition, phthalates lead to changes in the hormonal system.

In addition, researchers at the University of Rochester found a link between phthalate exposure and belly fat. Furthermore, they also found that insulin resistance increased with exposure. Therefore, there is a higher risk of diabetes.

6. Formaldehyde

This component was classified as high risk, but many companies included it in their products. However, it was eliminated when the World Health Organization designated it as a carcinogen.

Formaldehyde is added to nail polish and styling gels and is dangerous in very low concentrations. The State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that only one in 10 million can cause watery eyes, burning sensation in the eyes and throat, nausea and difficulty breathing.

Today, it is rare to find this ingredient. But you may want to keep in mind, just in case.

7. Ethanolamine compounds: Toxic ingredients found in many products

DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamine) and TEA (triethanolamine) are chemical compounds that are added to soaps, shampoos, conditioners and hair dyes, creams, shaving foam, paraffin and wax, cleaning products, ointments, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadows, blush, foundation , perfumes and sunscreens.

These ingredients are not only carcinogenic, but studies have found that they affect sperm in men because they change the sperm structure. In addition , they accumulate in the liver and kidneys, causing poisoning in organs and also possible neurotoxic effects such as tremor.

Another study suggests that offspring’s memory function and brain development may be permanently affected by mothers’ exposure to DEA.

In addition, the last three ingredients mentioned above can delay hair growth.


What price are you willing to pay for your beauty products?

There are many more toxic ingredients you should avoid in cosmetics. Unfortunately, most of us do not usually look at the ingredients, and it can have serious consequences for our health and the health of the little ones who can not yet protect themselves.

Be careful and read the table of contents before buying the product.

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