7 Remedies To Control Lupus

These remedies can be a great addition to your existing medical treatment for lupus. However, you should always talk to your doctor before trying them.
7 Remedies to Control Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Unfortunately, we know little about it. What we do know is that it causes serious changes in your cells. One of the few things we know is that it is characterized by its attack on healthy cells in the body. We also know that about 5 million people suffer from this disease. This disease affects all the organs and systems of the body. This goes from the joints to the muscles, the skin, the kidneys, the lungs, and so on. Today we are going to tell you about 7 remedies to control lupus!

One of the main characteristics of this disease is that it is very heterogeneous. This means that it is very rare to find two patients with the same problems and symptoms.

Lupus produces antibodies that overstimulate B lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. In addition to treatments prescribed by your doctor, you can try these home remedies:

Remedies to control lupus

1. Massage


A good remedy is to get a massage. This is one of the oldest, most popular ways to control lupus. This is what it helps with:

  • Cleanse the body
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Increase metabolic efficiency
  • Reduce inflammation

Massage is a good option to control lupus over a long period of time. It is enough to get a weekly massage. But be aware that you need to have it done by a specialist. It can be expensive. But the benefits will be obvious from day one. You can also be sure that you can tell your masseur how they can be part of your treatment.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil has large amounts of omega 9. This type of fat is ideal for controlling and reducing inflammation. Inflammation is one of the main symptoms of lupus. Olive oil also gives us large amounts of phytonutrients. These protect the body from the effects of chronic diseases. All you need to do is add olive oil to your daily diet.

  • You can use it as a dressing on salads. You can also use it for cooking instead of rapeseed oil or other oils.
  • In addition to including olive oil in your diet, try to avoid sugar. This can help avoid symptoms of lupus.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Lupus can reduce the amount of stomach acid your body produces. This is one of its secondary effects. This can be reduced with apple cider vinegar. After all, apple cider vinegar is one of the best stimulants for the production of stomach acid. Maintaining balance is important. On the one hand, this vinegar also has good cleansing properties.

You have a plethora of options for including apple cider vinegar in your diet. The first is like a dressing for salad. You can also make natural pickled things with different types of food. Another good option is to drink a glass of water with apple cider vinegar every day.


  • 1 teaspoon (10 ml) with apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass (200 ml) with water

Mix the ingredients and drink this every morning.

4. Basil

Plant-based remedies are among the favorites in treating chronic diseases. When we talk about controlling lupus, basil is one of the first things you should consider.

This herb helps the body adapt to the stress and imbalance in the enzymes. This is thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties. Use purple basil to give your food more flavor. Enjoy the health benefits it gives you at the same time!

5. Probiotics

Taking care of your stomach health is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to fighting lupus. It is common for people suffering from lupus to have malnutrition. Because of this, it is very important to make sure that you absorb the nutrients you need.

Building a healthy bacterial flora in the intestines helps. This can prevent inflammation. This causes cytokines (proteins that regulate cell functions) to spread throughout the body.

6. Coconut oil

Adding coconut oil to your diet has many benefits. Among them is that it balances your immune system, improves digestion, regulates cholesterol and reduces severe episodes of lupus.

One thing you can do is switch between using coconut oil and olive oil. We understand that most people are more used to using olive oil. However, it will only take a few days before you get used to the taste of coconut oil.

7. Ginger


Ginger is often eaten by people who have joint pain or gout. The same properties that make it good for such pain make it good for lupus. One of the first and most common symptoms of lupus is swelling and inflammation. It is combined with pain in the joints. Finding relief from this pain can be a good step towards regaining a good quality of life.

Take action to control lupus

Lupus is a very dangerous disease. Because of that, a lot of care and attention is required from you. If you have been diagnosed, it is important that you follow all of your doctor’s suggestions. Then  you can use these natural remedies as a supplement to your treatment. They should reduce your symptoms.

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