7 Negative Words That You Should Stop Using

Even though you may not believe it, negative words not only affect those we say them to, but they also affect our inner selves and make us feel less valuable.
7 negative words that you should stop using

We use many negative words in everyday life that we should eliminate from our vocabulary immediately.

Believe it or not, what we say has a lot to say. Every word that comes out of our mouth is a reflection of what we think.

Therefore, we want to look at some negative words that we should stop using. They affect what we do, how we relate to those around us and also how we relate to ourselves.

Negative words that you should stop using

1. “Rar”


“Isn’t it weird” and “So weird that…” are some negative words that you probably hear often. These words manifest something we do not usually think about: prejudice.

Every time we say that someone is weird, we assume that we ourselves are “normal”. When we say that something that someone does is strange, we are really saying that what we do is seen as normal.

But who really decides this? We are all different, but we are more influenced by society than we think.

Stop using this word and be more open. Everything should be accepted!

2. “I need you”

What? The verb “to need” is used more than it should in relationships to show how special one thinks the partner is.

But in this sentence it hides more: “Without you I am nothing”, “You are everything to me”, “What should I do without you?”, “I love you more than life…”

To need another person to be happy is addiction, not love. But we are often confused needs with this feeling.

3. “It’s your fault”


“It’s your fault” are also commonly used negative words. It reflects the fear we have when it comes to taking responsibility for our own actions. 

This is one of the most commonly used negative words, to which we also pay the least attention. This is because we often avoid criticizing ourselves. We would rather appear perfect!

If you make a mistake, accept it. It is not dangerous; everyone make mistakes. Do not blame anyone who does not deserve it.

4. “Ugly”

Just like with the word “weird”, who decides what is ugly? Beauty commercials and other marketing are full of editing and retouching that show off perfect bodies and faces. 

If we open up and free ourselves from such thoughts, then we will realize that nothing is ugly. Everything has beauty, everything has qualities that we can fall in love with or be indifferent to.

Just because something is not attractive to us, does not mean it is ugly. You may have discovered that everyone has different tastes, right?

5. “I can not”


Are you sure you can do it? This is a negative and limiting sentence that unfortunately many people say and believe in.

Everything is possible. It’s just that sometimes thoughts come up that make you not think you can achieve anything, do something or overcome a situation.

You are stronger than you think. “I can not” is a phrase that limits you. Replace it with “I can do this”, even if it is difficult. Then you will see how things change, and your view of the world will change as well.

6. “Hate”

Hatred is a feeling that causes a lot of pain, not only for people around us, but also for those who have this feeling. It is like a wound that grows and hurts inside.

This feeling is present in phrases like “I hate my job”, “I hate my family”, or “I hate this situation…”

We may hate all of these things, but are we doing anything to change them? No, and that’s why it only leads to bitterness. 

Hatred pushes you down and fills you with bad feelings. But you CAN free yourself from the here and now. It’s not worth feeling anymore.

7. “Taper”


Just hearing the word “defeat” scares us. Yet it happens that we say “I am a loser” to ourselves.

We have the notion that making mistakes or losing is a terrible thing. But one should rather look at it as an opportunity for improvement, to make better choices, and most importantly, to learn from our own mistakes. 

There is nothing wrong with losing. It is actually the opposite! Replace “I am a loser” with “I am a person who learns from my own mistakes”.

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