7 Life Changes To See And Feel Young Longer

Guess what is the most effective way to renew your cells, cleanse your body and let your body stay hydrated? You guessed it: drink water.
7 life changes to look and feel young longer

Seeing and feeling young is more than just an art. It is also the will to take care of oneself both inside and out.

Beyond all creams and cosmetic surgery treatments, there are a number of easy, inexpensive and simple things you can do to look better and feel good.

On the other hand, it is always important to accept your age. This is important for enjoying a good quality of life.

However, this is not in conflict with doing everything you can to meet the passage of time in the best possible way.

This is because you can add some very simple habits, such as the simple act of drinking more water, which moisturizes the skin, fights dryness and renews our cells so that we will look and feel younger.

We know that these simple suggestions will help you a lot. Pay attention!

1. Hair dryers and straighteners: believe it or not, they deprive your hair of its youth

Heat on the hair

Using high temperature hair dryers and straighteners will damage your hair. They age it, make it weaker, and give it a matte look.

How about letting them rest at least 3 times a week? It can seem difficult, especially for women. After all, if there is one thing that defines our beauty rituals, it is to fix our curls or achieve perfectly straight hair with straighteners.

But our hair needs to breathe. Electrical devices like this, which almost always use high temperatures, take away its natural beauty and youth.

Apply sunscreen on your skin every day

We always remember sunscreen when summer comes. But dermatologists tell us that it is not only necessary to prevent skin cancer.

It also helps fight premature aging.

It does not matter if it is cloudy, if it is winter or if it is raining. Sunscreen should be essential in your daily beauty and health rituals.

So do not hesitate to use it every day. If you use makeup, keep in mind that many foundations already include sunscreen.

3. Half an hour of exercise a day is the key to health and beauty

Woman with rocking

If you want to stay young, take care of your body. If you want to improve your well-being, exercise. If you want to look better in the mirror, complete at least half an hour of exercise a day.

A simple activity is enough. An aerobic routine such as walking starts the circulation, makes our heart beat faster and allows us to achieve an adequate supply of oxygen, endorphins and sorotonin.

You will notice the difference in your mood and even on your skin. Regular, moderate exercise is a startling way to stay in shape, and it’s great for fighting signs of the passing of time.

4. Say yes to renewing your cells!

Guess what is the most effective way to renew your cells, cleanse your body and let your body stay hydrated? You guessed it:  to  drink water.

Do not set a daily standard of 2 liters of water, because each person’s needs are different.

It is best to be consistent and drink a large sip of water every half hour. Something as simple as this has a great effect on the body. After all, there is nothing as effective as being well hydrated for our inner homeostasis to function properly.

5. Hands and neck: forgotten areas

Beautiful hands

To stay young, it is not enough to just take care of our face, avoid gaining weight and fight laxity and wrinkles…

There are two areas of your body where time is often first noticed: your hands and neck.

What do you do to take care of them? What routines do you follow throughout the day?

It will be good for you to keep the skin on your neck and hands perfectly hydrated to look and feel young.

For this purpose, you should  use creams for these areas twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening.

6. Positive relationships? Yes please!

Having hundreds of friends will not make you stay young. That said, having good friends, even if only a few, affects your well-being, your motivation, and your enthusiasm.

Having a partner by your side as your co-conspirator – who is also a friend and lover, who makes us laugh and accompanies us through the good and the bad – makes us feel good and forever young.

On the other hand , few things are better for the health of the mind and heart than having a good friend.

7. Sleep well and a lot to look and feel young

Woman sleeping

No, that’s not stupid. Sleeping well is an important need for body, brain and mind.

It is at night when we are in this state of deep rest that your body performs its important detoxification tasks.

The brain also cleanses out dead cells, renews tissues, creates memories, reorganizes itself and creates new connections.

All of this helps us stay in shape, both physically and mentally. So

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